How can I set pricing (profit) tiers?
I'd like to be able to set markups based on the SmugMug default pricing for a variety of products and not have to set them all manually. As a simplistic example, say that I want to add $5 to every product whose default price is less than $5, $7.50 to all products whose default is between $5 and $15, and $10 to every product whose default is over $15. I've tried to use the "that match/don't match" and "more than/less than" features on the products pull-down, but I have no idea how these work. Anyone do markups (either $ or %) in tiers? Thanks.
Once you've priced a gallery you can use this gallery's setting and apply it to multiple other galleries so you only have to customize your pricing one time. Unfortunately, none of the pricing options will allow you to do so in tiers. For example if you used the "less than" option for anything less than $5 then this would work initially, but then when you tried to set pricing again for anything less than say $10 this would then include all the items you had just priced. The best way to do this is set the pricing manually for one gallery. Then use this gallery's pricing as a template and apply it to all of the other galleries you wish to have the same pricing. If you plan to use this pricing for all of your galleries then I would recommend setting this up under your Portfolio pricing as this will then be applied to all new galleries you create. You've probably already seen this, but here's the link to the gallery pricing help page:
No need to be embarrassed or apologize.
Although it would be easier if the pricing "selector" allowed filtering on more than one parameter, it just took me a few minutes to set this up. Just in case someone else is having the same problem, here's a step by step example (using a simplistic pricing scheme as an example) of what I did...
>$100 -- +$50
$50-$100 -- +$25
$25-$50 -- +$15
$10-$25 -- +$10
<$10 -- +$5
2. Increase all products with price "more than" $100 by $25
3. Increase all products more than $50 by $10 (effectively making >$100=+$35)
4. Increase all products more than $25 by $15 (effectively making >$50=+25 and >$100=+$50)
5. Increase all products less than $25 by $10
6. Decrease all products less than $15 by $5 (reset the products with default price less than $5 to default +$5)