I have just purchased a Canon PowerShot S1 IS and while you can view the movies fine in the camera when I have downloaded the movies it appears very blurry. What am I doing wrong???
Thank-you for any help!
Thank-you for any help!
You're doing nothing wrong, except using a still camera to capture movies and expecting it to look like a camera built for the job. The whole movie feature on still cameras confuses me as being a complete waste of time, just as still pictures taken on a video camera look terrible, as well. Right tool for the job.
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What are you movie settings in the camera?
What software are you using to view the movie?
Have you tried to connect the camera directly to a TV to view it?
I am very happy with the results from my S1 and they are close to what single CCD video cameras are producing. I showed some friends what I shot and they would not have know I took the footage on a still camera if I did not tell them.