HD Videos aren't streaming to Windows browsers.
Im a PRO account holder.
This is my site: http://media.bahai.us
When I attempt to play any of the streaming videos on a Windows client - A flash player is loaded without a streaming video. I can rank and download the video file - however the video doesn't stream - just a black screen with 00 time code.
On a Mac client - Quicktime player loads and plays all videos just fine.
All test clients have flash 10 installed.
All videos are HD encoded to mpeg4 and under 5 mins/512 mbs.
This started happening the morning of 8/22 - before then we didn't have any problems streaming any of our clips. All clips were added to account prior to 8/22.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
This is my site: http://media.bahai.us
When I attempt to play any of the streaming videos on a Windows client - A flash player is loaded without a streaming video. I can rank and download the video file - however the video doesn't stream - just a black screen with 00 time code.
On a Mac client - Quicktime player loads and plays all videos just fine.
All test clients have flash 10 installed.
All videos are HD encoded to mpeg4 and under 5 mins/512 mbs.
This started happening the morning of 8/22 - before then we didn't have any problems streaming any of our clips. All clips were added to account prior to 8/22.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
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I have been experiencing this problem since Sunday. The first response I
got from emails on this problem was on 08/24 at 0020 hrs and it stated:
There is a problem with the site at this time with videos in passworded galleries when using a custom domain and the flash player. We are working to get the issue fixed soon. Sorry for the trouble with that.
I can see them on my Mac using Firefox as it is using the Quicktime player. So the videos are there and working. They are just not playing for some visitors using PC's.
Then on 08/24 at 2320 hrs I emailed for a status on the problem and got this response:
Hi Jeff, no, but you'll want to subscribe to our Release Notes blog, so that you don't miss a single update from SmugMug
All the best,
And now on 08/26 Andy responds to you as if this is a new problem when they were aware of this over 2 days ago. Whats up with that??? Come on guys lets just get the problem fixed so video files will play again on PC's.
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So files in my non-password gallery do the same: NOTHING.
Would you try this please?
pwd: locked!
I also emailed you.
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