The moon & Jupiter

Good Evening Folks,
I was testing my Bigma
and Sigma APO EX DG 1.4x tc last night in the upper atmosphere :wink Here's a couple of shots from the late night shoot. Both pics were taken at 700mm. I sold this lens last year, and missed it ever since :cry I was on that 'other forum' last month and saw a Sigma 50-500mm lens for sale. After looking at the sellers name, I realized that was the person who bought my Bigma
To make a long story short, I bought the lens back, and she included the 1.4x tc. This is a love - hate relationship. I love the IQ, but hate the weight of the beast. It's not something you want to hang around your neck all day unless you play pro football :rofl
Thanks for looking :thumb
Have a good evening
I was testing my Bigma

Thanks for looking :thumb
Have a good evening

for certain. Jupiter and its moons is also a really nice try. Not an easy target.
But you did well on the chore.
I was impressed with those pictures myself. I have a few shots with da Bigma
Thanks again
Have a good evening
I came close to that shooting parfocal through my telescope with my old camera, now I'm wanting to try with the Canon.
Good Morning SK and thank you
I'm looking forward to reshooting Saturn in the upcoming weeks, depending on when it's visible. I won't be up shooting at 3:00am, that's for sure
Have a good day
I don't mind at all
Have a good day
As for the gettin' up at 3AM -- send the Bigma to me and I'll get up at 3AM to take the photo for you
You know I would, but if you got a hernia from lifting it off the table, I could never forgive myself :cry
Talk to you later
Have a good afternoon
No, I have not used stacking software, but thanks for the idea
Have a good evening