Display sized no longer at original size
I noticed tonite that when I click on a thumbnail of a horizontal image the display size is around 600 pixels rather than the size I specified on upload of ~ 720 pixels. In order to get the larger size I now have to click on the 600 pixel image rather than on the thumbnail...prior to this I was able to get the 720 size when clicking on the thumbnail itself. (For some reason I've never been able to get the 720 size when origianally clicking on the thumb for verticals).
Any ideas??
Thanks in advance.
Any ideas??
Thanks in advance.
Sorry 'bout that. Thanks for taking a look.
P.S. Somone posted a thread a few weeks ago with a similar problem. Turns out that if he uploaded an image larger than 800 pixels the display size was not downsized. I tried that and got the same result, it displayed at the larger size when clicking on the thumbnail rather than at a 600 pixel size. So, that is a work around but I'ld rather not have to reload all my images....although the larger size does look nice...?
Because the photos are smaller than the large images size, the largest you will see is the Medium. You can see that in the Lightbox view. That is another reason to upload at least 801px images.
I'll start uploading a larger size (>800 rather than 720). I guess I was just wondering why clicking on the thumbnail no longer shows that original 720 size as it used to do but a smaller 600 instead.