Sappy Sap

Our evergreen is dripping sap from where the branches were trimmed off this summer. Bee's don't seem to like it, but the bugs are getting caught. Some photos were taken in the morning light while others were taken at night with my trusty flashlight 
Hope you enjoy them.
C&C is always welcome.

Hope you enjoy them.
C&C is always welcome.

Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I'm glad you liked the second one since thats the one I really like too
I've never entered a challenge --
Do you use trial and error or is your flashlight ETTL? Is the shutter held open or are you shining the light and letting the camera set the exposure?
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I don't know where the blue came from in that photo other then how the light was hitting it. I did notice that sap can take on many different colors.
I work with the flashlight to give me the look I have in my mind before I start taking the photos. As for trial and error -- its always trail and error with me on all my photos
My flashlight -- its a cheap-o. I had to look up ETTL
Hope this helps you
Just took a look at the challenge a few minutes ago. I've never taken the time to look at it before. My photo was taken with-in the time frame for the challenge. Hmmmmmm..........
What many folks do is post to the challenges board something along the lines "What do you think? Does this work?" You can see various posts to that effect, and you get feedback on if folks think your idea would work well in the challenge. Even if some folks don't love it, there is no cost for entry, and you get a lot of feedback on the images.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I'd watch out!
Makes me kind of scared to go out in my front yard at night now
It does look creepy.....the tree is coming down hopefully this fall. My Dad planted it in 1966 and its the tree I learned to hurdle over. Gonna be sad to cut it down :cry
I thought you guys would of picked the photo with the bugs caught in the sap
I'm going to have to check it out. Feedback is good