Nice capture Randy
I love the solid chromed bumpers on these old tanks. No plastic there! IMy first car was a 1950 Olds in 1956. Paid $300 for it. Living in New England, we had lots of snow and for some reason people kept sliding into me at stop lights and denting my rear bumper. Over time I collected more $$$ from their insurance companies than I paid for the car and never did replace the bumper!
Love it! That car is cool. I like the pp. Was that car moving?
Thanks for the comments Eia,
Yeah, I was shooting a building & I heard the car coming down the street. I wheeled around and barely got my camera settings changed in time to take the shot. Reminded me of shooting by reaction, like bull riding events.
Nice capture Randy
I love the solid chromed bumpers on these old tanks. No plastic there! IMy first car was a 1950 Olds in 1956. Paid $300 for it. Living in New England, we had lots of snow and for some reason people kept sliding into me at stop lights and denting my rear bumper. Over time I collected more $$$ from their insurance companies than I paid for the car and never did replace the bumper!
Hey Jack,
I can remember running into the side of my dad's old Chevy on my bike, hard. Bent my wheel and I think my head Not even a whisper of a dent on the car. Now days, someone's receipt from the grocery store blows out of their sack and touches your car ~ another dent!!!
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited August 27, 2009
Well, you know me and cars!! That is one fantastic picture. Everything about it is really good. EVERYTHING.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thank you sir
Appreciate that Azzaro
I love the solid chromed bumpers on these old tanks. No plastic there! IMy first car was a 1950 Olds in 1956. Paid $300 for it. Living in New England, we had lots of snow and for some reason people kept sliding into me at stop lights and denting my rear bumper. Over time I collected more $$$ from their insurance companies than I paid for the car and never did replace the bumper!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks for the comments Eia,
Yeah, I was shooting a building & I heard the car coming down the street. I wheeled around and barely got my camera settings changed in time to take the shot. Reminded me of shooting by reaction, like bull riding events.
Hey Jack,
I can remember running into the side of my dad's old Chevy on my bike, hard. Bent my wheel and I think my head
Well, you know me and cars!! That is one fantastic picture. Everything about it is really good. EVERYTHING.
Take care,
That's high praise coming from the "car man".
Thank you Tom
Really great capture, and really sets the Mood.
Looks like the Reflexes are still tuned.
Very nicely done.
Burleson, Texas
Hello Craig,
Hope all is well with you.
It was pretty neat seeing people cruzin'. Haven't seen that in years. Well, at least not in any cool cars...
Thanks for the kind words
If you don't mind me asking, but how do you get the face nice and sharp, but the rest of the photo slighly blurred?
The fellow driving appears the perfect match for that vehicle.
Hey Mary,
I was panning with a slower shutter speed.
Yeah, he was enjoying having a camera pointed in his direction.
Thanks for looking.
Thanks -- I'm going to have to practice that