Hello world! homepage only and SEO

Hi, I'd like to get some clarification some of the settings for site-wide smugislands.
Iknow the maximum search optimization would be to set Hello World! to YES. But am I losing that much by setting it to Homepage Only?
Will it still crawl my other pages and simply direct everybody to the Homepage? The reason why i'm asking is because I have a lot of personal pages some pwd protected and some just unlisted that I would rather not have linkable via a search engine query.
I have some categories such as Friends with some public galleries, but it's not all the professional stuff I want to share.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Iknow the maximum search optimization would be to set Hello World! to YES. But am I losing that much by setting it to Homepage Only?
Will it still crawl my other pages and simply direct everybody to the Homepage? The reason why i'm asking is because I have a lot of personal pages some pwd protected and some just unlisted that I would rather not have linkable via a search engine query.
I have some categories such as Friends with some public galleries, but it's not all the professional stuff I want to share.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Password protected pages can not be indexed by any outside search engine under any circumstances because they can't get in to even see what the content is.
Unlisted pages (regardless of SmugIslands settings) will not be known to a search engine unless you link to them manually yourself with your own HTML somewhere because they are not linked to anywhere in your default site (when not logged in) so the search engine crawler would never find them or know about them. But, if you link to the from a navbar or from some of your own custom HTML and they do not have searching disabled, the search engine will find them via that link.
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