MC#3...can you hear me now????

Ok...the fish thing was cute and I had fun making it work...but I was not hearing it as loud and had this alternative thought that really is my style of wow. Needed a stop and look and laugh type of without further is the gutsie photos....
getting curious???.......
1. FIGAAAARRRRROOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

getting curious???.......
1. FIGAAAARRRRROOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like the angle on the first one the best, I think, although I'd possibly change the title to "Hojotoho!" instead of "Figaro". Great job, JAG!
Agree with divamum on the first shot. don't realize how much of a pain this shoot was!
So if you were to choose between number 1 here and one of these shots in my previous thread ( )...which do you like better??
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I do like the fish, but I think this image is more creative and original.
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Singing In the Shower (click to hear)
so your saying that I should name it singing in the shower???
I remember that please tell me what "Hojotoho!" means...I cannot seem to find a translation other than its German?
I like this one better than the fish but think it might feel stronger in b & w. The steam is fine either way. I don't think it adds or detracts.
I like #1, but personally the WB seems a little warm ...
AVI??? I don't think
Tried it in bw and I like the color better. Somehow the bw looses the detail in the water and bubbles...not to mention...makes me look blotchier. I already have tons of skin tone problems...but hey...nothing like putting myself out there. Believe me....I almost lost the nerve. But I couldn't convince my hubby to let me take pics of him in the shower!...
Here is another shot I did today but decided it was too weak for sound....
"Hojotoho" is the batttle cry of the Valkyries, who in Wagner productions are those ladies in horns that most people associate with opera (not that many modern productions do the breastplates and horns any more, but the stereotype lives on). The Valkyries are the goddesses who come to collect fallen warriors from the battlefield to take them back to Valhalla. A lot of people know the music of the "Ride of the Valkyries" from Appocalypse now,where it was used for the helicopter sequence, but it's originally from the beginning of Act III of Die Walkuere (The Valkyries), which is the 3rd opera in Wagner's "Ring of the Nibelung" cycle.
(Well, you did ask!!
The singing itself starts at around 1.30, and it's "Hojotoho" all over the place!
Like your chihuhua photo, but it sort of reminds me of the RCA dog in a more modern version instead of the old speakerphone..
Donna P.
Choosing between the fish/speaker and the shower SOUND resonates more in my head with the suds n steam.
Emily....your right...considering the judges is important for all challenges. I always consider that before I shoot and enter something. I look at their sites to see their strong points and what they tend to lean toward...then I go from there. Doesn't everyone??
Donna...thanks for your comments. I have considered them and decided to leave it as it is. The fan adds an element of sound since I added the steam...makes it all the more noisier in my opinion. As for the hand....I took quite a few shots with my hand to the sides and down front but this one seems the best of shadows on the face and close enough to suggest connection to the body without covering the face in anyway or feeling detached because of it being too far out and the elbow cut off. I chose the square crop for obvious reasons (didn't want the swim suit to show) thanks for your input and they were good creative thoughts of thinking that were considered.
Diva....I like the sound of Hojotoho! I used this as my title. I had to laugh at your discription of the heavy lady in a horned hat and breastplate....I can hear the music you mentioned as playing loud in the background of this image and me wailing "HOJOTOHO!!!" at the top of my lungs!
Sean and Linda...thanks for your input.
And speaking of dogs . . . I absolutely LOVE your dog shot. That cell phone is a new take on the RCA ads and I think it is fantastic!
It's been such fun to watch your threads. Best of luck in the challenge!!!
Lauren Blackwell