Watermark Questions

I am relatively new to watermarks and have read the SM Help but still have a few questions:
- If I change the Fade % on existing watermarks, does it change automatically on all photos using the watermarks?
- What criteria should be considered when making, sizing, and placing a watermark?
- Can someone please provide links to what are considered excellent watermark examples? Interested in seeing others have done.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
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I'm new too but have had my nose buried in Smugmug since day one and believe I can give you some answers.
1. The % of fade only applies to the gallery where a choosen watermark design has been used. I have different versions of watermarks which I have kept, each has it own title. One can have as many watermarks as one wants. But I only have five so far and apply them to my galleries separately. I suggest you experiment making a couple first and see what you like. It's very hard to previsualize until one gets their feet wet with making and applying them. It's a personal thing.
2. The help section under watermarks is the best place to go to understand them. If you have photoshop the directions are very straight forward and it pays dividends to follow the steps exactly.
3. I thought about that question too when I was planning on tackling this project. But the best advice I can give is just take it slow and easy and do it yourself, what one person likes another may not. There is no right or wrong way to apply a great watermark. I'm not computer savy but it only took me a few hours to get it under my belt, and I'm still learning new tricks through the best school that I know...The School of Hard Knocks!
Have tent will camp
If I assigned existing watermark "XYZ01" (set in SM Control Panel/Watermarks/Edit&Delete to 60% Fade) to a number of photos, and then go back and change same watermark fade in Watermark Edit&Delete to 100%, will all photos using that "XYZ01" watermark have it changed to 100%?
Seems like it certainly should since I am not replacing the watermark, just tweaking an attribute. Regards.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
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