Caught Napping

Pretty sure there'd be a problem If I got busted napping in the
flowers like this little buddy.
All he ever gets is... Honey get the camera.

flowers like this little buddy.

(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Now that's a neat shot. You gotta love these animals we have....our lives are a lot richer because of them.
Take care,
Thanks Jack! Agreed, he is a cute little shaver. Wait... wait... I better
qualify that to most of the time.
Animals can do the trick just when we need it most. I guess
for that reason we have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 bullfrog (long time family friend...
I need to get some shots of him trying to eat my whole hand) and then
theres a chinchilla in the house... somewheres.
in those flowers. He didn't bother moving while I went for the camera.
Little bugger. The flash didn't trouble him either. One of his real penchants
is sneaking under the fence when no ones looking. Cats taught him that one.
Fortunately / so far he stays just out front when he does that.
Heck, he's probably heading for the front now.