Favorite Device for Adjusting White Balance?
Hey there. Just getting my camera set-up finalized. I was curious what ya'll are using for a white balance device. A card? A lens cap? Do you have a favorite device to help set white balance? Do you have one you absolutely hate/would not recommend?
There is value in using a designed tool for white balance (rather than the plate or a cup, etc). The one that I'm currently recommending is made by Phoxle for these reason. And this thread will explain why a WB tool is useful over home-brew versions.... This thread is another good read about tools for color balancing and the experiments done. Read all the threads and then make your decision.
The only one that I don't recommend is the shower cap one and I've owned about seven (may eight) different ones. I currently only use three of them.
And welcome to dgrin
fyi: http://digitalmason.posterous.com/whitebalance
If you are shooting in a relatively even and non changing lighting then a grey card or a white card would work well.
Scott Kelby's book, Photoshop CS3 For Digital Photographers, has a tear out white and gray balance card included. I had mine laminated at Kinko's.
Sounds like a great idea…
…but watch out for reflections from the shiny surface, especially if you're using it to determine correct exposure as well as WB!
- Wil