Glasses Glare Problem! Help Please!
I have some unexpected glasses glare on a recent photo shoot and could use some Major advice on how to fix it. I use Paint Shop Pro. Please Help!:dunno
Susan Hinds
Purest Light Photography
Purest Light Photography
Do you have the full res image anywhere?
I can't tell you how to do it in PSP but I might be able to help you out and get it done for you in PS.
ad astra per aspera
Thank you so much for your help and I able to email it to you? I am not a pro at processing
Purest Light Photography
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Yes, please!
The MoxieBlog
Eyeglass glare if it's over the eye itself is very hard to repair. Scott Kelby suggests whenever you do portraits you take the lenses out of the frames OR you shoot on an angle or you take a photo with and with out glasses so you can clone in the unglassed eyes.
If I am shooting I have become very mindful of this because if you are shooting events you can't do some of that to get it right in camera. Also, if you are using flash, you need to have it way above the eyeglass level or to the side to not have the flash glare.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Only you and the client can decide if the glare is bad/good enough to keep the image. Usually, unless I don't have another photo that is better, don't even show them to the client. They would not make the cut.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Purest Light Photography