Pro Sale Problem
When I go into the Pro Sale area and click on one of the transactions and then the thumbnail the system takes me to the wrong photo (wrong file name) in the correct gallery (not the one the customer purchases). Try doing for the latest transaction with photo file name starting in "LAS" . This never happened before. Is something broken?
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Thanks. I just sent an email with the sprcifics to the help desk. Also did not get your reply even though I checked off "instant email notification". My email has not changed.
Same here. When using IE8, it takes me to the first photo in the gallery instead of the one ordered. Works ok in Firefox.
I too had emailed help@sm about this and was informed that my problem was irreproduceable. Imagine my surprise to read this thread. Ever since SM had a long weekend outage for an upgrade to change the URLs a few weeks back (around that time at least -- closest event that comes to mind), 100% of my pro order confirmations show thumbnails that take me to the first image in the correct gallery. Under Safari 3, Safari 4, and on the iPhone. Never happened before. Firefox still works. Even tried switching Safari back to 32 bit mode on my Mac post Snow Leopard last weekend (to fix a non-photo-related issue), and it didn't correct.
Makes no difference as to order number -- pick any. I need to be able to review the cropping my customers are doing and my own retouching before releasing orders.... can this be fixed?
Hi Kevin,
Sorry if you felt like we blew you off when you emailed. I can't find the email trail, but it sounds like this bug is pretty specific (only IE and only using a nickname when you have a custom domain in your Control Panel) so it's possible a hero passed it off to our Bug Hunter before actually reproducing it herself.
We're on the case now so we'll get this fixed!
In the meantime, you should still be able to crop and replace the photo and view the changes on the order page itself.