The end of an era - The Alexander Collection

For the past 10 years or so, Nick Alexander has been collecting automobiles, specfically wooden bodied Ford and Mercury station wagons, affectionately known as "woodies". After 10 years, this impressive collection consists of 52 Ford and Mercury woodies, all of which are either restored to factory specification or are painstakingly preserved in original condition.
In addition to restoring these fine automobiles, Nick restored an old warehouse in an industrial area south of downtown Los Angeles to house the collection. It was the perfect location to showcase his wonderful woodie collection.
Once a year, Nick would host an open house at the collection and also provide a very nice catered lunch. He would accept donations and give ALL proceeds to a deserving charity.
Recently Costco decided they wanted to put one of their very large warehouse stores right smack dab in the middle of Nick's warehouse. The city (Huntington Park) agreed and imminent domain was put into play.
Nick is both a recent retiree and grandfather and he decided not to fight as he would like to spend more time with his grandchildren. With this in mind, he decided to put his entire collection up for auction. The auction was held in August at the annual Sports and Classics of Monterey auction. Each automobile was sold to individual parties and in the end the entire collection netted over $7 million dollars, with Nick choosing to give a large percentage of the proceeds to charity.
I will miss the annual open house of this one of a kind collection that is now no more. Thanks for the memories Nick!
Some images from the final open house held in July.
#1 Nick spending some quiet time alone with (part of) his collection.

#2 More of the collection...

#3 The restoration "assembly line"

#4 The laquer room...

#5 Nick Alexander and his woodies...
In addition to restoring these fine automobiles, Nick restored an old warehouse in an industrial area south of downtown Los Angeles to house the collection. It was the perfect location to showcase his wonderful woodie collection.
Once a year, Nick would host an open house at the collection and also provide a very nice catered lunch. He would accept donations and give ALL proceeds to a deserving charity.
Recently Costco decided they wanted to put one of their very large warehouse stores right smack dab in the middle of Nick's warehouse. The city (Huntington Park) agreed and imminent domain was put into play.
Nick is both a recent retiree and grandfather and he decided not to fight as he would like to spend more time with his grandchildren. With this in mind, he decided to put his entire collection up for auction. The auction was held in August at the annual Sports and Classics of Monterey auction. Each automobile was sold to individual parties and in the end the entire collection netted over $7 million dollars, with Nick choosing to give a large percentage of the proceeds to charity.
I will miss the annual open house of this one of a kind collection that is now no more. Thanks for the memories Nick!
Some images from the final open house held in July.
#1 Nick spending some quiet time alone with (part of) his collection.

#2 More of the collection...

#3 The restoration "assembly line"

#4 The laquer room...

#5 Nick Alexander and his woodies...

It makes me angry that stuff like this happens. Really special things are lost to build yet another Costco, or whatever. It's shameful. :cry
Unfortunately, it does negatively impact the car collecting hobby. Well, except for those fortunate enough to have bought one of them.
Great shots, Bill. I wish I'd known of this collection and Nick's open house sooner. I certainly would have visited.
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
Appreciate your images and story. Thank you.
Took a couple of quick pics of a Woody just south of Canon Beach, Or.
This was a few weeks back. Wonder if it was one of his.