Gargoyle and Grave
OK, Here's two more images for your consideration.
1) Fallen

2) Eternal View. And they misspelled my name...

I hope you find the second image as darn creepy as I do.
The first image is of a 6' long gargoyle that spent most of the past 100 years at the top of a 100' church tower. Until it fell off and plunged right through the roof of the church. I really like the contrast (and different perspective) of something that you are usually gazing up at, sitting at the top of the world, guarding against evil spirits, now laying on the ground out back behind the dumpster, forgotten.
So do either of these work for you?
1) Fallen

2) Eternal View. And they misspelled my name...

I hope you find the second image as darn creepy as I do.
The first image is of a 6' long gargoyle that spent most of the past 100 years at the top of a 100' church tower. Until it fell off and plunged right through the roof of the church. I really like the contrast (and different perspective) of something that you are usually gazing up at, sitting at the top of the world, guarding against evil spirits, now laying on the ground out back behind the dumpster, forgotten.
So do either of these work for you?
Can you show us a b&w version of that one with the design in the upper end of the tombstone brought out a bit more? I think that doing that one in b&w will add to the "creep factor".
The first shot also is very good, but a little light on the theme for this challenge. The empty bag of Cracker Jacks just makes that entire photo SO bizarre. That would make a neat entry for a photo exhibit.
I knew that was coming. Yes, B&W definitely needs to be done to compare against. I'm thinking a B/W version made to look like night with a moon up there might be cool too.
I agree about the BW conversion for it though, might be nice to see what it looks like. I'd also try to make the letters on the tombstone pop just a little bit more.
Really creative (and creepy) shot!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
creepy and perfect for the theme!
My Photographic Adventures
Nikon D7000 | 10-20 | 50 | 55-200
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
For me; I find that the B&W gives us less. Less definition between stone and background. Less or even lack of the cool sunstar. Less contrast.
I prefer the colour one, too. Can you experiment with some colour processing (LR presets etc) to perhaps find a nice moody look to the trees and sky?
GREAT idea for a shot
That sun star. I purposely used that shot because of the star, then there was one comment that it was distracting, so I removed it. Thoughts?
I can definitely do another run with color and balance out that over exposed sky a bit. I'll post something like that in a bit.
Thanks for your thoughts!
How does this one compare to the other two options?
This has been a suprisingly tough round, I'm really happy I finally came up with something that got a good reaction.
Thanks for all your help!
1) Daylight Reworked
2) Daylight B/W
3) Night
Which top?