Pricing Question - Not Smug Related
I was asked to do a photoshoot for a friend who happens to be a pro athete. He needs a photo for a poster that it going to be displayed at a trade show.
I had no problem doing it for free, he is a good friend and I enjoy shooting. What has happened now, is his sponsor is asking how much I want for the photo. They dont want it for free. Which is great, but I dont know how much to charge. I dont want to give the car guy answer; "How much do you want to pay?"
So the question really isnt so much for just this situation, but for the bigger picture as well. Where can you find out rates for this type of thing?
I know its tends to very industry specific. A snowboard magazine pays much more for a photo than a motocross magazine. Magazines are easy, they usually have published rates, but in this situation, the client is asking for the pricing of this photo, day rates, etc. I dont have anyone that I really know that would be willing to share their rates etc, so I am on my own to figure it out.
I had no problem doing it for free, he is a good friend and I enjoy shooting. What has happened now, is his sponsor is asking how much I want for the photo. They dont want it for free. Which is great, but I dont know how much to charge. I dont want to give the car guy answer; "How much do you want to pay?"
So the question really isnt so much for just this situation, but for the bigger picture as well. Where can you find out rates for this type of thing?
I know its tends to very industry specific. A snowboard magazine pays much more for a photo than a motocross magazine. Magazines are easy, they usually have published rates, but in this situation, the client is asking for the pricing of this photo, day rates, etc. I dont have anyone that I really know that would be willing to share their rates etc, so I am on my own to figure it out.
Joey Washburn
blog -
and it is hard to give a specific rule on it.
Here's my take. Figure out what size they want if they want a print - take that size through the Bay Photo price guide - whatever it costs you wholesale to print, multiply that by 5, so say a 16x20 is $40 your cost, then you have $200 retail. Charge them the same you would for Joe Plumber (no, not that guy, just regular Joe).
Do they want a digital print? I would charge hefty for that and would have them order that through your SM account so all the usage language is there and SM takes care of the digital transfer for you. I charge like $200 for a 1 MB pic and for a 4mb used by a company, I charge $2000
But like I say, it is all very subjective - most people will come back to you with a "what do you feel it is worth?" answer.
Also, I would add in charges for travel time, day rate for shooting (like $50/hr), and any other expense you incurred like lodging and food.
Congrats by the way, nice to hear about your shot being looked at so seriously, must have been a nice shot, care to share it, I would love to see it.
Good light to you.
or you can use our search tool. this subject has been discussed many times before.
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