The car on the post reminds me of when we were kids we could sit in the car when Dad took it over to his friend's shop and they'd lift it on the hoist. We thought we were that high up. That stopped though when we started spitting out the window to see how long it'd take to hit the floor.
The car on the post reminds me of when we were kids we could sit in the car when Dad took it over to his friend's shop and they'd lift it on the hoist. We thought we were that high up. That stopped though when we started spitting out the window to see how long it'd take to hit the floor.
Fun story Walter,
Glad you liked the image. Thanks for the comments.
Well done! I like the three vehicles providing the foreground, mid and background composition elements. The coloring of the road and sky add to them perfectly!
Well done! I like the three vehicles providing the foreground, mid and background composition elements. The coloring of the road and sky add to them perfectly!
I really like this one. Even without your PP, the red car against the blue sky (maybe brought out by PP) really makes the shot. Your PP puts a nice spin on things, and the other cars fit in well too. I could see this for sale, or on a calendar,post card, etc. Excellent, commercial quality (for me at least).
Only one nitpick though. I'm not sure about your feelings about the clone brush, but I'm wondering if you have considered cloning out the light posts, and perhaps dealing with the house/bushes in the left, about midway up?
I really like this one. Even without your PP, the red car against the blue sky (maybe brought out by PP) really makes the shot. Your PP puts a nice spin on things, and the other cars fit in well too. I could see this for sale, or on a calendar,post card, etc. Excellent, commercial quality (for me at least).
Only one nitpick though. I'm not sure about your feelings about the clone brush, but I'm wondering if you have considered cloning out the light posts, and perhaps dealing with the house/bushes in the left, about midway up?
Good shot!
I'll clean-up the image before I put it into my gallery.
Love the shot Randy. Plus I think you sure do know how to pin down an
effect as seen here and your many other photos.
Thanks for saying that Michael. I've been trying to capture a "mood" with my images. The processing is a big part of that, but also a vision for what I want to end up with, before I shoot.
I hope that I'm becoming successful with that, and I appreciate your taking the time to mention it
The car on the post reminds me of when we were kids we could sit in the car when Dad took it over to his friend's shop and they'd lift it on the hoist. We thought we were that high up. That stopped though when we started spitting out the window to see how long it'd take to hit the floor.
Fun story Walter,
Glad you liked the image. Thanks for the comments.
BTW, your only about 10 miles from me
Thanks for the input rainbow, glad you liked it
Only one nitpick though. I'm not sure about your feelings about the clone brush, but I'm wondering if you have considered cloning out the light posts, and perhaps dealing with the house/bushes in the left, about midway up?
Good shot!
small world we live in indeed..
effect as seen here and your many other photos.
I'll clean-up the image before I put it into my gallery.
Thanks for the kind words, and your image input
Thanks for saying that Michael. I've been trying to capture a "mood" with my images. The processing is a big part of that, but also a vision for what I want to end up with, before I shoot.
I hope that I'm becoming successful with that, and I appreciate your taking the time to mention it