trouble accessing home page and sluggish

moguemogue Registered Users Posts: 247 Major grins
edited September 6, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I'm having trouble accessing my home page on both Firefox and Safari. And when I do get in, moving from one page to another, and doing various other functions are very slow.


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    Try now? ear.gif
  • guyguy Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Try now? ear.gif

    5:28 Pacific Time

    Very slow almost down. Can navigate around galleries but photos in galleries will not load or load *very* slowly.

  • ZanottiZanotti Registered Users Posts: 1,412 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    Down? Wordpress says up, but photos fail to load 11:20pm EST 9/4/09
    It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
  • ZanottiZanotti Registered Users Posts: 1,412 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    Now getting timed out and wrong format errors with jpeg images.

    11:35pm EST
    It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
  • sunxsweetsunxsweet Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    yup.. down for me too.. it's been frustrating lately...

    Zanotti wrote:
    Now getting timed out and wrong format errors with jpeg images.

    11:35pm EST
  • RuSuRuSu Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    Same here
    Loading extremely slow or in wrong format. Frustrating lately? As a relative newcomer, I'd SM has been about 10%+ of the time since I joined. A serious drawback to the SM service/reputation & an issue that really needs to b addressed.
    sunxsweet wrote:
    yup.. down for me too.. it's been frustrating lately...
  • sunxsweetsunxsweet Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2009
    looks like smugmug is back.. but still no update on the wordpress site...
  • RuSuRuSu Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    Still same problems for me. Even dgrin forum isn't loading fully. Just keeps trying to load with message saying 2 items remaining & never finishes. Tried just this second again & am now getting message 5 items remaining...
  • wayne861wayne861 Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    Upload still broken
    RuSu wrote:
    Still same problems for me. Even dgrin forum isn't loading fully. Just keeps trying to load with message saying 2 items remaining & never finishes. Tried just this second again & am now getting message 5 items remaining...

    I am getting Jpeg is the wrong format and some just timeout, and the ones that seem to have gone through don't show up in the gallery. It seems this has been going on for most of the day. Frustrating.
  • lyneInSFlyneInSF Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    I can't upload as I get a timeout error - and the network is not the problem.
  • wayne861wayne861 Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    lyneInSF wrote:
    I can't upload as I get a timeout error - and the network is not the problem.

    I bet we will be told all is fine with smugmug and we need to clear our cache.
  • lyneInSFlyneInSF Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    So tried another uploader, no errors were given but the photos are not in the gallery. What's up?
  • HoyBoyHoyBoy Registered Users Posts: 135 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    wayne861 wrote:
    I bet we will be told all is fine with smugmug and we need to clear our cache.

    Um, no. Too many people having the same issue for it to be a cache issue. Smugmug's customer support is outstanding and doesn't give the canned pat-on-the-head response unless it's warranted. :D
  • Comanche6Comanche6 Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited September 5, 2009
    lyneInSF wrote:
    So tried another uploader, no errors were given but the photos are not in the gallery. What's up?

    Glad to see I'm not the only one. I am getting a bit pissed as support seems to have gone to bed while I try to get photos ready to sell in the morning.

    Not happy!
  • Glory2Jesus4PhotographyGlory2Jesus4Photography Registered Users Posts: 190 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    I have been having problems for almost two weeks and it is still there. Ever sense my thread about it I have seen like for threads the same way I guess it is hard to take just a few people seriously that say they are having problems.
    I know my spelling and grammar are poor some times my spell check says "I got nothing
    for you" and there/ their is no grammar check yet so please forgive me Jesus did.
    My Web site:
    My blog:
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited September 5, 2009
    me too, and when i have cleared my cache and tried to access my homepage, which has a slideshow, instead i was getting a box that required a password --- what is that all about?

    i finally got onto my site ... but it is still sluggish ....... very sluggish ...... grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • cbres00cbres00 Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    I'm encountering several errors when attempting to upload my images. The site is very slow, too. Emailed SM heroes....
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited September 5, 2009
    yup its been pretty bad tonight. homepage and catagory page extremely slow or not loading images all together. And I just started my labor day weekend specials today. Didn't have problems when I changed the prices early this morning after smug got back online from the matinence last night. Hope the smug guys didn't plan on taking a break for the weekend.eek7.gif
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited September 5, 2009
    i cannot even get to my site now :( .......
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    Comanche6 wrote:
    Glad to see I'm not the only one. I am getting a bit pissed as support seems to have gone to bed while I try to get photos ready to sell in the morning.

    Not happy!
    We never sleep. We're open 365 Days a Year and while you posted this, Our CEO & Chief Geek, and the OPS team were un-sluggishing the site.

    I'm sorry for the hassle last night, I really am.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    I have been having problems for almost two weeks and it is still there. Ever sense my thread about it I have seen like for threads the same way I guess it is hard to take just a few people seriously that say they are having problems.
    Hello, the site has been running normally, save for a few times here and there. You are having different issues, due to the way you've customized, and maaaaaybe the use of random images, not anything to do with Operations Performance of the site. Feel free to write our Support Heroes ATTN: Andy for a diagnosis.
  • RuSuRuSu Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    Still no right...
    SM still not running properly.

    1. This forum not loading properly. For 10 minutes now, I have a message '6 items remaining' - none of the photos at the top of the forum page have loaded.

    2. My site doesn't open AT ALL if accessing it thru & clicking your photos - just slowly tries to load with a message waiting for

    3. Interestingly (and if this helps clarify things), if I open my site - loads fine.

    4. Tried opening sites of others who complained here:
    a. - get some kind of "parking notice"
    b. - nothing loads - waiting message!
    c. - mostly opens, but "one item remaining" - never resolves.
    d. - seems to have opened ok, but see message "waiting for htttp://...
    e. - opened, but see" 2 items remaining downloading picture (which never downloads)
    f. - doesn't open AT ALL

    Things are NOT fine - this has been going on for 12 hours now. Posting this here & will copy to SM heroes.

    Please let us know what's going on!
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited September 5, 2009
    RuSu wrote:
    SM still not running properly.
    All of the sites you listed above - including yours - just opened fine for me with the exception of the first one, and that is because the url is incorrect ( instead of The response was very fast.

    --- Denise
  • HoyBoyHoyBoy Registered Users Posts: 135 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    All of the sites you listed above - including yours - just opened fine for me with the exception of the first one, and that is because the url is incorrect ( instead of The response was very fast.

    --- Denise

    Same here - and one of those sites is mine.
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited September 5, 2009
    RuSu wrote:
    SM still not running properly.

    1. This forum not loading properly. For 10 minutes now, I have a message '6 items remaining' - none of the photos at the top of the forum page have loaded.

    2. My site doesn't open AT ALL if accessing it thru & clicking your photos - just slowly tries to load with a message waiting for

    3. Interestingly (and if this helps clarify things), if I open my site - loads fine.

    4. Tried opening sites of others who complained here:
    a. - get some kind of "parking notice"
    b. - nothing loads - waiting message!
    c. - mostly opens, but "one item remaining" - never resolves.
    d. - seems to have opened ok, but see message "waiting for htttp://...
    e. - opened, but see" 2 items remaining downloading picture (which never downloads)
    f. - doesn't open AT ALL

    Things are NOT fine - this has been going on for 12 hours now. Posting this here & will copy to SM heroes.

    Please let us know what's going on!

    at the time of your post I was doing some more site changes for my weekend sale. Might of been why mine didn't open at all. My pages at 6am my time seemed to be better and working fine. No hang ups so far this morning. I am curious to know if others are still have problems opening them or not.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 5, 2009

    I think you might be having a connection issue.

    We've got a handy tool to help us see the connection quality between you and SmugMug. Go here:
    You will see the results on your screen and also receive an email with the results that you can send to us.

    Would you also mind running a line quality test for us? You go here:
    Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. Email us the link to the results when you get them.

    You may want to check your LAN connections, and also restart the Modem/Router to see if that helps.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • havanesehavanese Registered Users Posts: 197 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2009
    docwalker wrote:

    I think you might be having a connection issue.

    We've got a handy tool to help us see the connection quality between you and SmugMug. Go here:
    You will see the results on your screen and also receive an email with the results that you can send to us.
    Ok if I try I get "server is taking too long...been like that since last night.

    If I try I get to the page, but when I click on any gallery I get "server is taking too long"

    Trace route test using SM

    Trace route using my own computer


    So much for getting my pictures done for tonight
    Randy P.
    Fuji X shooter
    Thoughts and Images
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 5, 2009
    Randy, wow... take a look at the spike at hop 9 in your traceroute. That is not good.

    Be sure to run that linequality test for us. That wll also help figure out what is going on.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 5, 2009
    Randy, Also run you traceroute to

    Its possible that there is something up with the domain itself on the DNS servers.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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