Keywords entered last night don't display this morning
Last night I added keywords to galleries, and confirmed the keywords displayed correctly for each photo.
Six hours later, the keywords don't display for the photos. What is odd is that when I select
1. "edit" to update the keywords for a specific photo, the correct keywords display.
2. Tools > Many photos > Caption / keyword to update keywords for an entire gallery, the correct keywords display
Here's one of the galleries I updated last night with keywords:
Six hours later, the keywords don't display for the photos. What is odd is that when I select
1. "edit" to update the keywords for a specific photo, the correct keywords display.
2. Tools > Many photos > Caption / keyword to update keywords for an entire gallery, the correct keywords display
Here's one of the galleries I updated last night with keywords:
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Here's a screenshot of the keywords entered for that specific photo:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Umm, ignorant question. Your preference for best method to "ping" you? As you can tell, I'm a newbie on the forum. I looked for an option to send a private message to a forum reply, but didn't find it. Perhaps I missed it somewhere?
Oops, found it. Select the person's photo or name in the left column of the thread to view options for contacting a person who replies to your forum post.
Just bump this thread by replying again
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm having a similar problem. In the last 24 hours I created three galleries that I believe are configured identically. Of the three, one is giving me the above symptoms. I see the keywords when signed in on the Smug view and editor, but not as a visitor. I added a keyword to all photos to try and get a refresh, but now the keywords unique to that gallery have fallen out of the main keyword list.
While I wait for an answer, I'm going to try to create another gallery and copy photos to it.
Gallery with missing kewording:
Good galleries with good keywording: and
If you want a snapshot to prove I have keywords in the editor or as the owner, let me know. They're there.
Nope, no numbers or anything unusual.
The keywords were:
shawn "Shawn Maguire" seniors verners mead fours verners
And I removed the quoted string to see if that was causing the quirk but they still aren't appearing correctly. So right now they are:
shawn seniors verners mead fours verners
No numbers, punctuation, strange or unusual and virtually identical to the other galleries that work correctly.
All there...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Sorry for causing churn Andy... I needed to get this up for my client but wanted to keep the old for any debugging you may have so I re-uploaded the same photos (and same keywords). I confirmed keywording was working, then renamed the old gallery Shawnold, and the new one to Shawn.
The most recently uploaded (and working) gallery is at:, and the gallery where keywording isn't working is located at
I was able to work around the problem by republishing, but thougtht you may want to be aware that something is going on.
I find this keyword problem interesting as I was rather surprised (read: angry) to discover last night that a whole set of images in one of our gallery's had had its caption and keyword fields messed up in a very odd way.
The gallery is located in
CCGPhotography > Graduation > 2009 Central Catholic Seniors
I have since corrected the problem, but Teresa (the owner of the site who I collaborate with) suggested I contact the SmugMug Help Desk in case this is a more widespread problem caused my recent maintenance to SmugMug's servers. Side-note: I've sent emails in the past to the Help desk ( and been consistently ignored, I guess SmugMug only responds to account holders, not their lackeys. :cry
The problem only affected the pictures that I had upload in June of this year. Teresa uploaded her pictures early last week and reported that all the filenames appeared correctly (we normally leave the caption field empty and have the galleries customized to show the filenames automatically).
Neither Teresa or myself made explicit changes that we are aware of that could have caused this problem but the result was several of the keywords were migrated from the keyword field into the caption field (see the screen capture of the 'Edit Caption/Keyword' page an example of what we were seeing).
Fortunately, I was able to correct this problem using the Edit Caption/Keyword tool, though it took me about 45 mins. Both Teresa and I are puzzled how this happened because we don't edit the captions and keywords like this. Our normal practice is to assign metadata to our images using Adobe Bridge so it will be automatically assigned when we upload our images.
Thanks for your time and we'd appreciate any feedback or insight you can offer as to how this problem could have occurred.
(Teresa associate)