Small prob someone may be able help me sort

Since i got the ADSL on i have not been able to download any music/vids & i just get this msg. I assume there is some new setting i need to adjust as im certainly on the net but i think this msg is lingering from when i was on dial-up a few days ago.
Anyone got any ideas ?
Anyone got any ideas ?
I'm really no good at this but try going under TOOLS then OPTIONS in media player and checking the settings. There is one for connect to the internet, don't know if that has to be clicked or not. I have a cable modem and mine is not checked but my WMP still works fine, maybe it's different for DSL
Hope this helps,
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Otherwise - you can always reinstall WMP as a last resort. Not sure if you will lose any data though.
good luck :-)