Good Ol' American Noise - MC#5

Well, crud, I forgot that MC participants could not do the current DSS. I have a couple of ideas for MC#5. The first one may be a stretch, but I worked too hard on this one not to make some attempt to use it.
Good Ol' American Noise

Praise the Red Bird!

Your honest thoughts?
Good Ol' American Noise

Praise the Red Bird!

Your honest thoughts?
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
Jeff Meyers
Jeff Meyers
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Also agree that neither of these say 'sound'. Do you have anything with more fans in the image? Perhaps a capture of the crowd all up cheering, or else the front view of some fervently cheering fans? Maybe an excuse to run out for one more game this season if they're playing today....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Thanks for this, Dan. You're probably right. I'm grasping. . .
Jeff Meyers
Thanks. Yeah, I went to the game Thursday looking for something for MC#5, but without success. Here's one that would qualify if only it was a more interesting image.
Jeff Meyers
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Sorry dude - that is one fantastic image!!!
I forgot too. I had an awesome entry for #32 and a so so entry for MC#5. :cry Oh well. I put my #32 entry in the Mini-Challenge...ah...not the same though.
Outstanding stadium shot btw!
I feel like I am missing something. I read the rules but I didn't see the part you are talking about. Are you saying that you can't enter both the DSS and the Mini Challenge? Like I couldn't enter one in round #32 for perspective and then also one for #5 Sound at the same time?
Ohh. Ok. Thanks, Linda. I thought they were talking about the MINI challenges, not the MEGA challenges! Too may to keep track of!