Auto Garage

I drive by this auto garage on the way to work everyday, and everyday it has caught my eye. I had always envisioned some black and white shots, with heavy vignetting and grain (ala Joseph Szymanski). Today I actually stopped and took a few, using my always handy Lumix LX3. B&W treatment with Nik Silver Efex Pro. What do you think of the result?

Gotta ask how you like the program. Does it work like actions? If thats the
way to put it.
IMHO, if you'd crop the top of the "key drop" image, to eliminate the sign top right, it would make a stronger composition. Just scroll your screen to "visually crop" it in your browser to take a quick look.
Thanks rwells, dogdots and daddyo. I do see what you mean about the crop, when I have time later today I'll go back and crop out that sign.
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I am a big fan of all of Nik's products and Silver Efex has made a huge difference in B&W conversions. The problem with actions is that all photos require different treatments for B&W and it is difficult if not impossible to create an action that looks good all around. Silver efex gives control for just about every aspect of the conversion process. I believe they have video tutorials on their site.
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