MC#5 - Still working at it... these won't be entered.

I haven't given up yet.... there are a few impressive entries already, so I know I have got to show up with my best just to keep from being embarrassed. I have tried two different ideas and will be going back to the drawing board tomorrow for one more try.
Here was my last bright idea. I thought I might be able to do something with a sound trigger, but I am not trilled with my results, so tomorrow will be something entirely different.
I won't be entering in these but I thought you might enjoy them. I am just proud of myself for getting the timing right (rather quickly) to be able to reproduce catching the balloon in mid-pop. So, enjoy these here in this thread because you won't see these in the challenge gallery!

Here was my last bright idea. I thought I might be able to do something with a sound trigger, but I am not trilled with my results, so tomorrow will be something entirely different.
I won't be entering in these but I thought you might enjoy them. I am just proud of myself for getting the timing right (rather quickly) to be able to reproduce catching the balloon in mid-pop. So, enjoy these here in this thread because you won't see these in the challenge gallery!

too bad they don't make little confetti shapes that say POW or BANG in a spiky balloon style shape
GL with your other idea. ...... Facebook
However, it's a visual feast with the confetti! The confetti comprised of music notes is icing.
On the night before the deadline, I am going to go with this.
Surround Sound:
Not much time for C&C, but open to it.
Oh, yeah.... no fish were harmed in the making of this photo!
Oh, I like that.. but I love fish so doesn't take much for me to like anything with a fish in it
btw - thanks for your kind words on my entry.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Don't know if you wanted it that way or not.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Thanks Gail, I noticed it as well during pp and by that time the fish was in my pond with his new friends. Some kind of optical illusion with the base of the bowl.
Very good idea.
I should have put some Blues CDs under that bowl, huh? :cry
The good news is that fish is now enjoying a 2500 gallon koi pond with koi and other goldfish, but you are right he was not super happy.
During the shoot, he (and I assume "he") grew tired of that little bowl pretty quick. I had an aquarium pump, so we kept putting air in there for him, but I think he got a bit stressed after a while. My idea for the shot was to have him right in the middle of the bowl, and yes, perhaps even some splashing water or vibration at the surface but this came out a bit different than my initial vision and I ran with it.
I like how he looks like "Oh, c'mon?! Seriously! You humans and your crap music! Turn it off!"
Instead he's probably thinking about how he can't breath or swim much anew every three seconds [goldfish memory.]