Pig on the move

Sorry if this posts twice, but DG says the first one didn't work.
Not one of my better photographs because it was taken through the windshield of my car on an interstate. No live view on a Nikon, so the camera was just aimed in the general direction.
Not enough detail to see the wind ruffle through the pig's hair.
Not one of my better photographs because it was taken through the windshield of my car on an interstate. No live view on a Nikon, so the camera was just aimed in the general direction.
Not enough detail to see the wind ruffle through the pig's hair.

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
but its a darn cool shot. Makes you wonder what the heck is going on! Its a toyota minivan, and I normally don't see them pressed into such usages, whereas I might expect to see something like an ancient Aerostar or old grand caravan pulling a big. Just were is this pig going? And why isn't it riding in the minivan?
I've seen pigs in trucks, but never pulled by a van. lol
Great Capture!!
I am keeping good thoughts for "Piggy" and hoping the family is just taking their pet on Vacation
Maybe Disney Land?:D
Burleson, Texas
Maybe the hoping that Kermit will set up their pet with a wife?:D
Maybe it's the pig from Charlotte's Web??????
I'm hoping it was "all good" for the pig too