Blackberry Uploader POC

I've started on a Blackberry app to upload photos and have a proof of concept working. It doesn't do much except upload one particular photo from my phone, but you can see a vid of it working here:
This is a new platform and set of tools for me so it will be a while before the actual app is working, but when it is working I make it a free download somewhere for anyone who wants to use it.
Here is how I plan to make it work. Feel free to comment but I can't guarentee I will listen
You will be able to select a photo and the album you want to upload it to. You can change the name (BB puts undecipherable names on pictures), set the caption and add keywords before you do the upload.
Future blue sky things I'm looking at adding once this basic functionality is working (in no particular order):
1. Select image to upload from a preview (initially you will only be able to select the image by name).
2. Upload all photos that are new since last upload... rather than going through the images to figure out where you left off at.
3. Upload photos from a directory of computer the phone is connected to via usb/bluethooth (steel blue... don't know if this is possible but I want it).
4. Upload photos from camera usb connections (deep, deep blue, no idea if this is possible, but I want it).
5. Check stats/manage smugmug account.
BTW at some point I'll need volunteers to do a real world test on their phone. I have the BB Tour so I can test that. There are simulators for the other phones, but there is nothing like a real world test before you turn something loose from it's cage.
Each phone/carrier is handled a bit differently so if you think you will want to use this app let me know the BB phone model and carrier you have so when I get to that point I can focus on them first.
This is a new platform and set of tools for me so it will be a while before the actual app is working, but when it is working I make it a free download somewhere for anyone who wants to use it.
Here is how I plan to make it work. Feel free to comment but I can't guarentee I will listen

You will be able to select a photo and the album you want to upload it to. You can change the name (BB puts undecipherable names on pictures), set the caption and add keywords before you do the upload.
Future blue sky things I'm looking at adding once this basic functionality is working (in no particular order):
1. Select image to upload from a preview (initially you will only be able to select the image by name).
2. Upload all photos that are new since last upload... rather than going through the images to figure out where you left off at.
3. Upload photos from a directory of computer the phone is connected to via usb/bluethooth (steel blue... don't know if this is possible but I want it).
4. Upload photos from camera usb connections (deep, deep blue, no idea if this is possible, but I want it).
5. Check stats/manage smugmug account.
BTW at some point I'll need volunteers to do a real world test on their phone. I have the BB Tour so I can test that. There are simulators for the other phones, but there is nothing like a real world test before you turn something loose from it's cage.
Each phone/carrier is handled a bit differently so if you think you will want to use this app let me know the BB phone model and carrier you have so when I get to that point I can focus on them first.
This sounds EXCELLENT! I don't know if this is in your original scope, but the ability to create a new album might be helpful.
I love your idea of uploading directly from a camera via USB, but I'm not sure if that is even possible since neither the BB or the camera can act as a USB host. If you can figure out how to work around that, you'll be my hero!
Also, I will gladly be an alpha/beta tester. I run a Storm on VZW and am no stranger to crashing a device and bringing it back from the dreaded 507 screen - I'm not afraid.
I think this is a great idea and love that someone is willing to try. If I had any clue how to do it I would try myself:) I am a little frightened of completing crashing my BB (this is my first and I am still new-1month old lol) but if I can help I would be willing to try. I have a Storm also on VZW.
Good luck and thanks for taking this on!