Owner "Show Off" problem
I may need to ask this question on the Adobe Dreamweaver forums instead, because the issue may be there, but........I'll try here first.
I have created an unlisted gallery (here's the link: http://www.cdpayetphotography.com/Cosmetic-Dentistry/Photo-gallery-1-for-websites/9536524_DLfKT/1/641052535_EgX3z) and want to use the Owner "Show Off" feature to embed a slideshow on one of my websites, which I design in Dreamweaver.
So I clicked on the "Show Off" link, customized the appearance, and copied the Embed Code, then went to Dreamweaver and pasted the HTML into the site. However, when I go to preview it on the web, and I've tried previewing with Safari, IE8, and FireFox, nothing shows up. The page is sized as if the Flash is there, but you can't see any slideshow at all.
Any suggestions?
I have created an unlisted gallery (here's the link: http://www.cdpayetphotography.com/Cosmetic-Dentistry/Photo-gallery-1-for-websites/9536524_DLfKT/1/641052535_EgX3z) and want to use the Owner "Show Off" feature to embed a slideshow on one of my websites, which I design in Dreamweaver.
So I clicked on the "Show Off" link, customized the appearance, and copied the Embed Code, then went to Dreamweaver and pasted the HTML into the site. However, when I go to preview it on the web, and I've tried previewing with Safari, IE8, and FireFox, nothing shows up. The page is sized as if the Flash is there, but you can't see any slideshow at all.
Any suggestions?
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Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Six (6) Month Braces, Laser Dentistry
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Laser Dentistry and Laser Gum Disease Surgery in Charlotte, North Carolina
bump to see if anyone has a suggestion on the problem? I still haven't been able to figure out the problem, and I've also tried embedding the code into the HTML editing screens to post on several different forums, and it doesn't work there either. Very frustrating.
Do I need to report this on the "Bug Reporting" forum?
Here's the Embed Code Smugmug gives:
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Six (6) Month Braces, Laser Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry and Six-Month Braces in Charlotte, NC
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Well of course.......now it works. I have no idea why?! I did the exact same thing as before. Anyway, here's the page:
BTW - sorry about having posted the question twice. Since no one had responded when I posted this thread originally, I thought perhaps it was on the wrong forum.
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Six (6) Month Braces, Laser Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry and Six-Month Braces in Charlotte, NC
Laser Dentistry and Laser Gum Disease Surgery in Charlotte, North Carolina
I am having this same problem and experience it frequently. The problem is that sometimes the copy embed code button works and sometimes it does not. When it works you get two sources of code. The one that begins with the object classid (shown below from posting above). And the second bigins with the <embed src= as taken from one of my dreamweaver pages. All I need is the embed code. I can delete the object code and my slideshows run fine. However, the issue is that sometimes the "Copy embed code" button ONLY gives me the object code. And if that is all I use, it doesn't work. Nothing shows up. This is very frustrating.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="400" height="400" id="ssidx"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.cdpayetphotography.com/ria/ShizamSlides-2009090305.swf?AlbumID=9536524&AlbumKey=DLfKT&transparent=true&bgColor=&borderThickness=&borderColor=&useInside=&endPoint=&mainHost=www.cdpayetphotography.com&VersionNos=2009090305&showLogo=false&width=400&height=400&clickToImage=false&captions=false&showThumbs=true&autoStart=false&showSpeed=true&pageStyle=white&showButtons=true&randomStart=false&randomize=false&splash=&splashDelay=0&crossFadeSpeed=350"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="allowNetworking" value="all"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <embed src="http://www.cdpayetphotography.com/ria/ShizamSlides-2009090305.swf?AlbumID=9536524&AlbumKey=DLfKT&transparent=true&bgColor=&borderThickness=&borderColor=&useInside=&endPoint=&mainHost=www.cdpayetphotography.com&VersionNos=2009090305&showLogo=false&width=400&height=400&clickToImage=false&captions=false&showThumbs=true&autoStart=false&showSpeed=true&pageStyle=white&showButtons=true&randomStart=false&randomize=false&splash=&splashDelay=0&crossFadeSpeed=350" width="400" height="400" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" > </embed> </object>
<embed src="http://cdn.smugmug.com/ria/ShizamSlides-2010070608.swf?AlbumID=13712575&AlbumKey=t9rgG&transparent=true&bgColor=&borderThickness=&borderColor=&useInside=&endPoint=&mainHost=cdn.smugmug.com&VersionNos=2010070608&showLogo=false&width=400&height=400&clickToImage=false&captions=false&showThumbs=true&autoStart=true&showSpeed=true&pageStyle=white&showButtons=true&randomStart=false&randomize=false&splash=&splashDelay=0&crossFadeSpeed=350" width="400" height="400" align="top" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" ></embed>
Gallery: http://comanchetrace.smugmug.com/Vacation/StayPlay8/13712844_ZRaJs