Birdseed Sunflower

This grew from the birdseed I put out for the birds. The flower part is all gone now. Some squirrel took off with it.
C&C Always Welcomed -- That's how I learn
C&C Always Welcomed -- That's how I learn

Interesting shot, really like the sharpness of details and the
toning of the lighting.
Had to laugh about the Squirrel, we have a band of Marauding Squirrels
that go through everything we put out there, but love their antics.
Burleson, Texas
I was starting to think this was one really crappy photo even tho I liked it
I'm happy you liked it. It's different, but sometimes different it good. The lighting came from the early morning sun. Wish I could of seen the squirrel take it. Momma squirrel had been looking at it for awhile so I figured it would be gone soon. Our neighbors tree just let go of 6 baby squirrels and they're all over the place. It was their Momma that took my sunflower
we had a crop of "birdseed" flowers this year as well.
my avatar is one of them.:D
I like this shot, it has several nice qualities.
Good sharpness
Nice DOF
Nice light
Good comp
= Good job
Looks like your "birdseed" flower in your avatar had the chance to grow up -- Nice avatar
Thank you for your comments
Thank-you Randy for taking a look at it and your nice comments
It was the ugliest looking thing in my yard this year so I was hoping I could make it look better.
There's something compelling about the starkness of this shot. It's as if there is an unfilled promise involved.
Take care,
Nice shot!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Hi Tom
Thank-you for your comments. You picked up on the starkness that I wanted to portray. That makes me feel really good
Hi Andrew
Your right it isn't something that is usually photographed. Most people photograph the sunflower when it's bloomed out nice and pretty.
The little spikes sticking out change throughout the day. It was fun to watch.
Thanks for taking a look and your comments.
Thank you -- I was happy with the results of this. Pays to use the tripod
Figure Momma would take the sunflower head -- much easier feeding 6 babies with the food right there.
Thanks Azzaro for taking a look -- I think its the title. Who really wants to look at a photo of a birdseed sunflower
Thank you for your nice comment