Private catagory
Hello Grinners! Is is possible to make whole catagory and all its galleries private with (hopefully) one click of a mouse? Wishful thinking perhaps but there are many galleries within this category. One of my students want privacy and I'm not seeing a quick way to do this without doing it one gallery at a time. Any suggestion?
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SmugBrowser, Firefox add-on, you can click any level like the category and
bulk add a password to all galleries in it.
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Can't think of one click to do this, but it's not too hard to do.
Go to Customize one of the galleries. Change it to private. Save the settings there as a Quick Setting. Use a name you will recognize for the Quick Setting. This is where it's a bit inconvenient. You will need to click Save to save this Quick Setting, and that will take you out of this screen.
Now, go back into Customize for one of the galleries. Click on the "Apply to other galleries" in "Quick settings," and you can then apply these settings to several galleries at once by using the name you saved the settings with. That screen's a little ugly because it shows all galleries sorted (I think) by creation date, and there's no way to sort or filter that list of galleries. But, it is still easier than going to each gallery one by one.
OR SEE THE POSTINGS ABOUT SMUGBROWSER. That would be much faster and easier.
SmugBrowser would be the fastest way to do this. It also allows you to change the Public visibility setting in bulk at the category or subcategory level.
It shows your categories and subs in an explorer style tree view, and you can right click on any level and choose Bulk Update to change any setting for all galleries in that branch of the tree. Any settings you don't touch from that settings box gets left alone. (In other words, if I have 2 galleries under my private events category with different printable settings, I can change the privacy and password settings on the category and not select anything for printable, and that will remain unchanged for both)