black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 9, 2009
Nice shots. Did you use one of your " package " PP effects on this one? Also, you're so right about " you get what you get " when it comes to this stuff.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Nice shots. Did you use one of your " package " PP effects on this one? Also, you're so right about " you get what you get " when it comes to this stuff.
Nice shots Randy! I think my favorite is the second one, as I really like that perspective! I'm interested in your PP on these as well.
Hey Gary,
Yeah, that's the normal perspective that I like to shoot cars. Unfortunately, this was in-between two cars in a gas station parking lot, so I couldn't get a good full clean shot. The processing was done in LR2 ~ Just start moving those sliders around
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Nice shots. Did you use one of your " package " PP effects on this one? Also, you're so right about " you get what you get " when it comes to this stuff.
Take care,
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
He said that he's owned it for 36 years, and it's his daily driver
Just my normal "seat-of-the-pants" processing
Thanks for the comments Tom
Hey Gary,
Yeah, that's the normal perspective that I like to shoot cars. Unfortunately, this was in-between two cars in a gas station parking lot, so I couldn't get a good full clean shot. The processing was done in LR2 ~ Just start moving those sliders around
Seat of the pants PP.
Has a HDR feel I do thinks.
Come on.... give the crowd a break.
Like I told Gary: If you have LR2, you've got what it takes
Hint: Search to find how Scott Kelby gets an HDR type look in LR2.
An HDR look isn't created with magic pixie dust, there's nuts & bolts that need to be turned
But, if you want an HDRish look, why not use an HDR program if that's what you have? ~ Many, many ways to skin a cat...
As always, thanks for looking and commenting.
Topaz = Pixey Dust
Just got hooked up tonight. I may be sorry I bought Photomatix.
Yeah, that's a cool "daily driver"!