Aussie Prod Co.

Chased the spiders off the old Harley, washed and fired it up, and headed out to find thie Aussie Prod co. located not far from my house.
Took me about an hour. I was on the wrong end of the road, then got caught in traffic headed to the airport. Boy has it changed! But I digress.
I finally found it!
Took me about an hour. I was on the wrong end of the road, then got caught in traffic headed to the airport. Boy has it changed! But I digress.
I finally found it!
Here is Buddy, guardian of the Cherry Ripes. Well OK maybe guardian was the wrong word. When I asked her if she had any Cherry can see her response.
(No photos)
They also had all kinds of other Aussi stuff:
This concludes our cultural learning for today. Tomorrow I am off to Hollister where 10,000 or so bike will gather. I'll see if I can ger a biker babe photo ot two.
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Quick photo but the one im holding was traded for something by my grandfather in 1945 & its from the Arunta Tribe of central Australia. Its a hunting boomerang.
The angled one on the bottom is also from this same area but im not sure of the is maybe only 20 years old. Its a 'war' boomerang ..for want of a better word & is designed to be brought down over the top of an opponents shield & split his head open.
The wood they are made from is like steel.
That said, did they ever make them like we see, flat with paintings?
Oh and I forgot to include this web site for all us Americans. We can now order all the Cherry Ripes we want right here in the states. Of course I can just drop in and pick them up.
Tell them the nut with the camera, taking photos of the dog, stuffed animals and other store stuff sent ya.
I'll agree with you on one point thought - the wood IS made like steel! With all the intense use mine doesn't even have a scratch!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
They should be made of Mulga wood ....not all are designed to return to you. The hunting one im holding will not return but is very sharp & heavy to break the leg bones of roos & emus etc roos etc. You throw it using both arms to get full power.
I knew about Ian and Steve, Chewy -- but somehow you escaped my radar!
Isn't that a great place? Good shot of the dog. I was a little shy about asking if I could take pictures so I only took the cherry ripe photos.
I fell in love with the metal windmill right inside the front door! They have 3 different sizes. Don't know where they are made.
It's a fascinating shop, filled with all kinds of goodies and lots of different food too!
I'm returning Tuesday for another Yowie -- rationing myself!
Very nice set of pictures...
After reading your post and thinking about it a bit, it probably wouldn't make a lot of sense to have your weapon / projectile return if you missed the target.
Sounds like a good game for the Kangaroos. Duck and then watch the natives scatter and run.
But if you wana keep wacking them with your painted stick, go right ahead.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
...has forced me to end my curiosity and find some myself (i.e. driving me nuts).
An alternative to the previously posted website as an US CR source, Simply Austrailian is based in Washington. I was able to order these without hiccup and was happy with what I received (along with some new photo gear on the same day too to cap it off...)
I'm beginning to feel concern over my own supply as the initial purchase is dwindling... fast... curses...
Hey Gus, would it be possible for you to bring the real one(s) to Canyons next year? I'd really like to see and feel the "real mccoy"..
Ta, mate!
I don't think they got any real Mccoy's. I think the Mccoy's are from some on where the east coast.
you know coffee crisps. right? in the states, there are two kinds. the
imports and something made here. import == good. local != good.
it's not the same. i dunno why but it just isn't.
So all that good 0zzie beef we post around the globe is really roo meat ?
Using your theory....Dr Peppers really doesnt taste like a cats bum then ?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I'll be traveling to San Jose and San Francisco for site tours, into and out of SJ airport.
Any guesses where I'll be stopping before boarding my return flight to LA?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Cherry Ripes, of course. But don't forget the Vovos :food
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