North Canal Gatehouse

Not technically landscapes, but the building is part of the Lawrence, MA Landscape. Besides, I was asked by some to keep you appraised of my Lawrence Mill project. Besides, I know Schmoo likes this kind of stuff :-)
Since my first posting on this subject, I've joined the Historic Mill Society in Lawrence, an organization dedicated to preserving the Industrial Revolution mill technologies that built the city. The goal is to open a museum. My association with the Mill Society has allowed me to access to most of the mill buildings in the city. Much of what I am shooting will be used in the museum when (if) it becomes a reality.
These shots are from the North Canal Gatehouse in Lawrence. When it was operational, the gatehouse controlled the water levels of the City's North Canal.





Since my first posting on this subject, I've joined the Historic Mill Society in Lawrence, an organization dedicated to preserving the Industrial Revolution mill technologies that built the city. The goal is to open a museum. My association with the Mill Society has allowed me to access to most of the mill buildings in the city. Much of what I am shooting will be used in the museum when (if) it becomes a reality.
These shots are from the North Canal Gatehouse in Lawrence. When it was operational, the gatehouse controlled the water levels of the City's North Canal.






Is this publicly accessable. Would love to shoot there!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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I do wonder if the series could use just a bit of a push of the black level. I assume these are all HDRs (Photomatix?). They are just missing a bit of density in the shadows in my opinion.
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Definitely not open to the public. The company that now runs the hydro-electric station on the river owns the property. I was able to get in through the museum connection as part of a bigger project. I had to sign a waiver and was told to be careful of the trap doors that drop into the canal.
Yes, all HDR, Photomatix. I pulled back on the blacks a bit to retain detail in the shadows. I'll spend some time in Photoshop and see if I can make some improvements.
Thanks ... I'm processing everything in the Mills (and here) in HDR. I'm looking to capture the detail and textures. I have to say, I am often surprised by the results. Sometimes even pleasantly!
What a beautiful place, and I like how you zoomed in and really got lots of details such as the cobwebs as well as the bigger picture, too.
Thanks for sharing and I hope you and them are able to start that museum! Your images certainly are a great start for such preservation.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I particularly like #2,3, and 4.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography