
Sales Tax

xxclixxxxxclixxx Registered Users Posts: 91 Big grins
edited September 12, 2009 in Mind Your Own Business
Well I didn't realize Sales Tax could be so complicated, until I read the section on Photographers in my state's tax code:
However, the tax does apply to such items as trays, cameras, and other equipment and supplies used but not directly consumed in the process of making the photographs or photostat copies; and the tax on such items must be paid by the photographer or producer.


So does that mean I have to pay Sales Tax on my camera every time I sell a photo made from it? LOL I'm definitely going to talk to an accountant.

I also wonder if this applies to photos I sell on Smugmug. Technically it's Smugmug making & delivering the sale, I just took the photo, so I've seen payments from that sorta like commissions.
Tim Linden
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