Full Key Word list in galleries
Hello, my site is pcjimages.com.
Currently, all of my keywords show on my home page. I want to hide the keywords on my home page and show them in the galleries. The keyword associated with a specific picture works fine.
Can any tell me how to get the entire key word list show in galleries or how to make the keyword box on the home page smaller?
Thanks for any and all help
Currently, all of my keywords show on my home page. I want to hide the keywords on my home page and show them in the galleries. The keyword associated with a specific picture works fine.
Can any tell me how to get the entire key word list show in galleries or how to make the keyword box on the home page smaller?
Thanks for any and all help
Go to your control panel, then click the "Homepage" tab, scroll down to keywords, and there should be a "hide" link next to the keyword section. Click that and they'll be gone from your homepage.
Sorry - I must be a little dense... not sure I follow here. What exactly do you want? Do you want the keywords to show for a given picture (If so, they already are)? Or do you want the keywords to show for an entire gallery or category?
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
My Gear List
Thanks for trying, I will try to be more clear.
I know how to hide the keyword list on my home page.
I would like the entire keyword list of that gallerie to show in the galleries.
The keyword for the pictures show under the picture.
Ultimately I want a visitor to my site to be able to go to a gallerie and see the entire keyword list associated with that gallerie.
Maybe I am asking for the impossible. I hope not
Any additional help would be greatly appreciated
You can see my "attempt" at achieving something similar here, but it is neither automatic, nor formatted in the same way. It also requires a decent amount of javascript to make it work (i.e., so as to insert the content only on gallery and subgallery pages, and not to affect any other page...). It also requires a totally separate html-only page where you can do anything you want with it...
While I use a site on my own host (smugmug is only one part of my site, albeit a large part!) for the list of keywords, I would guess that you could accomplish something similar by creating an html-only gallery and hiding the owner. Then it may blend seamlessly into the site.
One problem with that, though - the keywords are not specific to the gallery, but rather to the site. That works for me, but it definitely isn't what you are after. You could make specific pages for each gallery, and if you want to pursue that, I'll happily share my code, but only you can decide if that's worth the effort and manual labor.
Hopefully someone else knows of a better way?
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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