tool to upload raw files to smug...
Hi there i'm a proud user of smugmug since 2004...
I use it more as backup of my precious photos as i have a copy of all my photos on smugmug... but 99.9% are private...
Now, i always wanted to put on smugmug my raw files that i backup on dvd so i start to to think on process to upload my raw files to smug...
At begin it was as manual copy process but get tired of it and made small app to automate the process..
Is that app that i'm sharing now .... like it is like i use it don't expect a professional app (i'm not a developer)...
i use it with canon raw files but it can be used with almost any file type (rar/zip)... whatever....
So what this tool do :
1º Choose the files you want to send to smugmug the tool will create a jpg file with your orginal file inside (no changes on original file)...
2º You will get a dir inside the dir where your fies are called "toupload" this where your files will be ready to send to smumug...
3º When you need your files you should download them as original from smugmug and choose the option " convert files to original" you will get a dir "originalfiles" with your original files inside .....
Again don't expect fancy verifications or user proof interface/tool I'm only sharing this because it may be useful for other people....
i normally use sendtosmugmug to send files and my own tool for downloading full albums or "albumfetcher"....
you can check with md5 or sha that the file that you get after is 100% your original files........
this app will not upload or download anything from smugmug ...
Please use it at your own risk.........
Don't forget the 12Mb limit don't try to send a 2GB file.. if need to send a file with more than 12Mb split it fist with rar or zip....
you can download it from here
I use it more as backup of my precious photos as i have a copy of all my photos on smugmug... but 99.9% are private...
Now, i always wanted to put on smugmug my raw files that i backup on dvd so i start to to think on process to upload my raw files to smug...
At begin it was as manual copy process but get tired of it and made small app to automate the process..
Is that app that i'm sharing now .... like it is like i use it don't expect a professional app (i'm not a developer)...
i use it with canon raw files but it can be used with almost any file type (rar/zip)... whatever....
So what this tool do :
1º Choose the files you want to send to smugmug the tool will create a jpg file with your orginal file inside (no changes on original file)...
2º You will get a dir inside the dir where your fies are called "toupload" this where your files will be ready to send to smumug...
3º When you need your files you should download them as original from smugmug and choose the option " convert files to original" you will get a dir "originalfiles" with your original files inside .....
Again don't expect fancy verifications or user proof interface/tool I'm only sharing this because it may be useful for other people....
i normally use sendtosmugmug to send files and my own tool for downloading full albums or "albumfetcher"....
you can check with md5 or sha that the file that you get after is 100% your original files........
this app will not upload or download anything from smugmug ...
Please use it at your own risk.........
Don't forget the 12Mb limit don't try to send a 2GB file.. if need to send a file with more than 12Mb split it fist with rar or zip....
you can download it from here
Newer version avaiable that should solve some gui bugs...
Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to share this with us, fcaero.