link issues
I don't know what is wrong, but one of my clients just informed me that he is unable to navigate down into a category/subcategory on he is specifically looking down the skiing drop down navigation.
I don't know if it has anything to do with nicknames because when I just changed the link in the html code to the nickname instead of the gallery number it worked....
Anybody have a suggestion before I change all of the navigation links to nicknames instead of the gallery numbers.
This is a bit embarrassing, but a little while a go I changed the name of a category and didn't think more about it, so the links in the menu system where all referring to a none existing folder structure, all changed now and I'm using nicknames, which gives me more information about the sub-folder/gallery
I don't know what is wrong, but one of my clients just informed me that he is unable to navigate down into a category/subcategory on he is specifically looking down the skiing drop down navigation.
I don't know if it has anything to do with nicknames because when I just changed the link in the html code to the nickname instead of the gallery number it worked....
Anybody have a suggestion before I change all of the navigation links to nicknames instead of the gallery numbers.