NEW order page
I woke up this morning to a few new orders and now, when I click on the order link, I am taken to a new page with all of the recent orders. Before, it would go just to the order that has just been placed. This new method, in my opinion, is a step backwards. I am also getting double emails on new orders now. Why did you switch styles?
We've cleaned up the page, made it a lot more readable and given you a bunch of new ways to sort and view your orders, and those of you with many orders now have a prosales page that you can actually load quickly, since we added pagination as well.
Sorry about that order email thing, we'll sort it out. Enjoy the new sales page, in the meantime.
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When I checked a download the sales do not match up for the current month. Is this being worked on?
I didn't do anything but click "Send to lab!", so I don't have much feedback.
The only thing I noticed was that my long filenames ran into the button to adjust the crop...
--- edit ---
I was wrong - it was the "Replace Photo" button that overlaps with the filename, if it's long enough.
I had an order placed today & when I reviewed it, I found that the option to "color-correct" had been taken away. It now says Color Correction: Yes. There used to be a drop down menu to choose 'yes' or 'no' at the review stage. I have my galleries set to 'no' for color correction, so why would it say 'yes' here? Can you change it back?
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Though I would highly recommend cc on, so that pooch's eyes can be seen
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EDIT: WOrking on it.
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I just noticed the same problem. Just sent this email to the help desk:
"What is the problem with the CSV downloads The data is incomplete. When I just download the CSV file for my sales it only shows the sales through 8/26" I downloaded the file on September 3 and it shows additional transactions through 9/3. Also when I now open up the saved XLS file in Excel I get this message "Excel ureadable content in "filename". Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of the workbook, click yes." When I click yes the xls file opens up but the data is not complete as detailed above. Just noted this today along with the new sales history interface which I like.
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Hahaha, yes we test changes extensively but we don't always catch everything. Thanks for bringing this up, but that functionality hasn't changed at all. The crop page does send you back to the order (and did before this release) but the replace photo page never did.
Sorry for the confusion!
One thing I'd like to see in addition: sorting by name (last or first).
I'm generally happy, tall, and fuzzy on the
I meant when I was on the ORDER page. Before, when I replaced a picture on the order page with a proofed/cropped version, it bought me back to the order page. Now it brings me to the gallery. So, I have to reopen my order email, and get back to the order page that way. It's a PITA. So it is indeed very different.
Some orders are missing entirely. The number of prints indicated on other orders is inaccurate.
In it's current state the CSV file is no longer of any value.
I know you're working on it, I just hope that it's being expedited.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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Same thing is happening to me...indeed a PITA. But Andy mentioned on another thread they are aware of it.
In the mean time, just the browser back twice. The only problem is that it will be an old page...but you should still be able to go on to the next image. Just hit F5 when you need to refresh the order page after a couple of trips BACK.
Ack! Can I retract my previous statement?
The replace page didn't change, but the url for the individual order page did change. I thought you were referring to the back to gallery buttons on the replace page, but I see now it's the redirect after you replace the photo that's causing the problem.
On it.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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I love the new page layout. I can print my order and they look great except for cropped images. They dont print or they print solid black.
Thanks for the changes.
We just rolled out the following fixes for bugs mentioned in this thread:
- The CSV should now match the pro sales page. And, I added a new datapoint for you.. "Paid Status" that would show the date the check was cut.
- The display bug with color correction should be fixed.
- Replace photo from the order page should now return you to the order page.
- Links from old sales emails should now point to the new order page properly.
- The crop photo tool from the order page should now properly flip between photos.
Holler if you see any continuing problems! Thanks for your patience as I fixed the ones you reported.
Well, actually, sorry I didn't mention this previously, but can you make the
"Adjust Crop" into a box like the "Replace Photo" link? The adjust crop is REALLY small...and nestled in between two other items to the left and below it. It would really be helpful if that adjust crop was a button or at least a little bigger and moved over to the right.