Suggestion for hobbyist photographer splitting personal and "professional" shots
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice.
I just got a smugmug account and am in the process of setting it up. The issue I have is that 90% of what I shoot is family and friends and the other 10% is my portfolio. I'm by far an amateur photographer but I'd still like to display this as a "professional" portfolio and grow it over time keeping it clean from all my personal content.
Using one smugmug account is there a clean way to do this? My site is
Thanks for any advice.
I just got a smugmug account and am in the process of setting it up. The issue I have is that 90% of what I shoot is family and friends and the other 10% is my portfolio. I'm by far an amateur photographer but I'd still like to display this as a "professional" portfolio and grow it over time keeping it clean from all my personal content.
Using one smugmug account is there a clean way to do this? My site is
Thanks for any advice.
My situation is similar to yours - amateur photographer wanting to keep photography separate from family/friends stuff. I'm pretty new to SM & set things up similar to the way you did - maybe someone else has better ideas, but I do have a few comments re: your site.
IMHO, having separate links to galleries, featured & popular is a bit too much, espcially since your featured also appears in your photography gallery. I would get rid of that link, at least for now.
Also, I think your guest book should be hidden from your 'other' category & I don't really understand your my smugmug & smug shots, unless these are galleries you're developing. Either way, I would move the 'other' category to the bottom.
Lastly,I would re-think your guest book photo as people have to scroll down too much if they want to leave a comment.
Of course, this is just my opinion... You're off to a good start.
A few suggestions - for a more professional look, I'd recommend a much cleaner look from a navbar perspective. If you have some images you consider to be portfolio-quality, create a category called "Portfolio", and create your portfolio galleries within that category. Link directly to the Portfolio category from your navbar, and remove that category from your galleries screen, using customization # 14 in the thread Collection of javascript customizations.
Remove the Featured entry from your navbar - the only item in there is the gallery that is used for your slideshow.
Remove Popular, Search, and Map from your navbar. Create a find page and link to that instead. See post # 6 on this page -
Change the order of items in your navbar. Start with your portfolio, follow it with your galleries, then the other entries. The highlight of this site should be your photos - move the navbar entry for your blog to follow those for your portfolio and your galleries.
If you have galleries that should only be linked to directly (like your guestbook, or galleries that contain images to customize your site), change those galleries to unlisted (instead of public). This will remove them from your "galleries" screen for viewers who are not logged in to your site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I set it so I have no breadcrumbs leading to places I don't want people to go. I don't allow them to go to a Category page or a Portfolio page. They choose from my nav bar where they want to go. I have galleries for my homepage slideshow and about 10 other personal galleries that 1) I have set to unlisted with passwords and 2) there are no links for my clients to see or know they exist. Yet I can access them when logged in. It works out great for me to have all my photos, personal and professional, in one place.
It took a lot of customizing in CSS to clean it up and get the links just right, but it was worth it.
Winnsboro, TX