DSS #33 - Martial Arts
Here is one of my ideas in VERY early development. I got my often annoyed but usually accommodating daughter to do some moves for me. Constant blurred motion in daylight wasn't really doing it for me; so tonight I tried pulsing the speedlight in a (somewhat) dark environment to capture the movement in more of a stop-frame manner. I like this a lot better than my earlier attempts with blurred constant motion.
Obviously I need to do this in more total darkness; perhaps I need to go buy some dark fabric to use as a backdrop. But assuming a better dark background how does this work for you. How strong does it convey motion? Is this merely amusing, or does it have enough potential to put some more work into? (and maybe fabric $$ ?)

Obviously I need to do this in more total darkness; perhaps I need to go buy some dark fabric to use as a backdrop. But assuming a better dark background how does this work for you. How strong does it convey motion? Is this merely amusing, or does it have enough potential to put some more work into? (and maybe fabric $$ ?)

Good luck. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Cool idea and Obviously powerful young lady!
These were both single exposures, both in a very dark setting with the shutter open for several seconds. I then used a handheld speedlight to fire 3 flashes during the sequence to catch each 'look' in the shot.
I did try a single sweeping motion in daylight with a curtain flash like you suggested. I didn't like that result quite as much as these, but I will make a point to try that again in the dark setting. Thanks for the idea of a shorter movement or closeup, that sound insteresting as well and I will try it.
Thanks for looking!
My favorite of these is #3...very cool idea
ETA...the reason I like #3 is that everything fits in frame,
and I like how her foot is more faint in this one as opposed to #2 where it shows
the dirt on her foot too clearly (IMO)
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
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The comments were all excellent, but everyone seemed to like something different, forcing me to pick, which is how it should be. I decided to go with #2. Good call on her hand leaving the frame and the foot is indeed dirty, but I think it fills the frame better, and most importantly, I like how her eyes (and fists/feet) are pointing right at the camera. (Which was tricky since we shot these in total darkness.)
BTW, I also took #2 and did a nice post-process on it for my daughter which allowed me to clean up its issues. It came out very nice.
Can we see?
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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1) SOOC, submitted to the challenge:
2) Photoshopped to correct some issues and adjust colors a bit
Nice job growing fingers!!! The discipline of getting your body to do exactly the same thing over and over really must have helped match the two images!!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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