Intore dancer
This is an intore dancer in Rwanda taken with my old P&S. I'd love to know what you think. Struggling with low light photography like this was one of the main reasons I now have a DSLR! CC welcome and appreciated.
What I like about this, is that you got a nice amount of movement in this shot. It seems like he is moving/dancing because of the blur, but the amount of blur is not distracting and it's still clear enough to see details. The smile is awesome, as well.
The other dance in the background is slightly distracting, it might have been nicer if he would have been in that spot, or if it was shot at an angle that he wasn't behind the first dancer, but next to him in the shot? & smugmug
Thanks for the comments. I have days when I like the blur showing the motion and other days where I find it too distracting, so I was curious what other people thought. I agree about the second dancer being distracting. Unfortunately for me the dancers where moving very quickly and with the shutterlag on the P&S the previous photo has them 20m away and then they were gone. Going back to Rwanda next year though probably... so will try again then!