Canon 1.4X or2X Teleconverter?

I shoot with a Canon 50D and I have a 70-200L 2.8 lens that I want to extend the range on for primarily wildlife shots. I understand the loss of F stops on TCs but I am more concerned about image clarity.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I see a lot of photographers on here using 1.4X TCs but few mention the 2X TCs. If I stick to the Canon TCs made for my 70-200L lens is there any negative to using the 2X TC other than the loss of 2 F stops? What are the other pros and cons between the two TC options?<o:p></o:p>
I see a lot of photographers on here using 1.4X TCs but few mention the 2X TCs. If I stick to the Canon TCs made for my 70-200L lens is there any negative to using the 2X TC other than the loss of 2 F stops? What are the other pros and cons between the two TC options?<o:p></o:p>
But I consider TCs much more effective for good prime lenses.
You will have decreased resolution and increased flare with zooms plus TCs, even with Canon's great 70-200 L glass. The 2x will be worse than the 1.4 in this regard, which is why you rarely see the 2x used with zooms.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Image deterioration is stronger with x2 than it is with x1.4, so is the light loss...
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Shot with 2x: (these are identical location and conditions, but obviously diff cars)
(click for lightbox, then original)
Shot with 70-200 w/o 2x:
(click for lightbox, then original)
So no 2X for me. I may go ahead and get the 1.4X just to squeeze out a bit more range.
It would be nice but I don't think the true quality super telephotos are ever going to be justified for me since this is just my hobby and not my profession.
From time to time, I've been known to stack the 1.4x and 2x. Or, when I'm feeling really out there, to stack two 2x teleconverters! Gasp!
Image quality deterioration is the main reason I would not use a 2x TC, even if I shot with lenses which would accept a 2x TC and maintain auto-focus. However, even those f/2.8 lenses which could maintain A/F with a 2x TC would have that A?F severely impacted.
Yes, there are photographers who shoot with 2x TC's and even those who swear by the TC. All that I can say is that the 2x TC deteriorates the image far beyond my acceptable standards,
a little late to the party, but strongly agree with all above. I did a lot of research and comparison on this issue about a year ago and ended up getting the 1.4x. The 1 stop loss, in many cases, is not noticeable. The 2x on the other hand... unacceptable.
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