The Rookery Grows Up
so many birds are gone, or I do not recognize them. I don't know what the heat index was, but the birds were not very active, except in spurts, until after sunset. I walked out terrified of the "bad woods" things/people/whatever my mind could conjur.
I am going to church. I worked these up til 5 AM. They are probably not consistent. Am sharing. Decisions made later, they are more a set than a portfolio shot.
The arrival of the parent bird, the youngster grovels, shamelessly. The youngster is there in the bottom of the photo.

Groveling and posturing continues on the part of the youngster.........

Parent goes "upstairs" to be AWAY from this progeny.
How do they grow up such pretty birds?

The parent makes up his mind, takes off for the other end of the marsh! Alone and bereft, the child practices his/her flying skills......

Then reality sets in........... as evening comes on, I say good-bye.

I am going to church. I worked these up til 5 AM. They are probably not consistent. Am sharing. Decisions made later, they are more a set than a portfolio shot.
The arrival of the parent bird, the youngster grovels, shamelessly. The youngster is there in the bottom of the photo.

Groveling and posturing continues on the part of the youngster.........

Parent goes "upstairs" to be AWAY from this progeny.
How do they grow up such pretty birds?

The parent makes up his mind, takes off for the other end of the marsh! Alone and bereft, the child practices his/her flying skills......

Then reality sets in........... as evening comes on, I say good-bye.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Like Gene, the 3rd one really floats my boat
chicks still in the nests.
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