A Few Orton's

Since my Piggies bombed I thought I'd post some Ortons
I pushed the saturation on these two, but I'm hoping they work ok.
Hannah taking her morning nap.

Waterdrops on leaves.

Hannah taking her morning nap.

Waterdrops on leaves.

Thank-you Azzaro
Lauren Blackwell
Thank you Eia for commenting and taking a look
Its hard for me sometimes to figure out which photo an Orton treatment will look good on. Your right pets do work well with this treatment. Maybe it is the fur??? It blends so well.
I'm glad you liked them Lauren
Hopefully I will be posting more soon. I've been working on one photo that I think will work well, but first I need to take the photo right
These are very well done....I like the second one in particular. You made up for the piggies:D
Take care,
I give both of these high marks, but the second one gets a gold star
Thank-you Tom -- the piggies are going to market
Thank-you Randy
I like the second one too. Now if the tree can make it through the winter we just might have a nice new tree in our backyard.