DSS#33 moving in the right direction? ;)

I need to either go back to the gym or go back to the train station... but these are the two directions I am heading in. Any feedback most welcome :rolleyes
I caught this train this morning (so to speak) and I think I would like to go back with a slightly faster shutter speed to pick up more presence of the train. Wadda think?
Ghost Train #1

Ghost Train #2

Gym #1

Thanks! Jeff
I caught this train this morning (so to speak) and I think I would like to go back with a slightly faster shutter speed to pick up more presence of the train. Wadda think?
Ghost Train #1

Ghost Train #2

Gym #1

Thanks! Jeff
I love the warmth from the orange glow in the first one, but I think the 2nd one has a better feel of movement from the "ghost train" (good title too)!
The fighter one's good, but my personal preference would be for the train idea...hope that helps!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I don't think you need more train at all... just the lights as they are in #2 is all you need, imo.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Thank you very much for the quick feedback. I was out getting early morning city shots this morning and found the train station to be a great place to get some motion shots. I wasn't prepared with the right lens and filter, so I need to go back. As for the sign, I will have to see what I can do. The view of the sign was a bit limited because I didn't want to get to close to the platform edge and get hit by the train. More sign is a good idea though. Thanks again. Keep the C&C coming please!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
I really like them both - I like the inclusion of text in the first one as well as the slightly darker exposure, but the 2nd one is a little cleaner. Both good shots, so take yer pick!!
You guys rock. I am slammed right now but will try to get around for some commenting myself.
So, I went out this morning for a reshoot of the train. Ya' know sometimes the first try ends up being the best and not to confuse anyone with too many options, but I would love any feedback on these three:
Reshoot #1
Reshoot #2
Reshoot #3
Wadda think?
I like your idea, however to be 100% honest I feel like there are too many elements that are fighting each other in the train images. By elements, I mean mostly various light sources ... from the buildings, train station, etc plus some other distractions. This makes it difficult to distinguish the "moving" train. You really have to look for it in order to see it (except maybe for the 3rd image of the 2nd set). If you could capture a moving train with a much darker background with fewer bright elements surrounding it so we could clearly tell that it is a moving train by looking at the image immediately instead of trying to look for its trails in an environment full of various strong light sources, it would look like a much stronger entry.
In your second set of images, I feel like that the images are being dominated by the light sources of the train station on the right which takes away from the sense of movement that we are supposed to be getting from the train. The other problem that these lights are causing is their reflections on the trains windows which is yet another distraction.
Again, great idea, however they are not working for me the way they have been currently captured. I know you will come up with something awesome like you always do though.
If I were to pick one out of the 6, I would have to go with the 2nd one in spite of the dark wall being in there.
edit: Thinking about it again, I think for this particular environment with so many different light sources, I would stick with a version where you capture the presence of the train (like in #6), however I would try to do a reshoot of the same scene without capturing the orange lights in the right. If you are going to do a version where you will only show the light streaks of the train and not the train itself, I would wait until it gets really dark before doing it, again without capturing the orange lights in the right, however you will still have their reflections to deal with.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
So you are saying that I got up a the crack of dawn again to reshoot a bad scene? :splat
Sometimes it is hard for one to see the forest for the trees... or in my case it is hard to see the train for the station.
Good point Allen. I couldn't see the problem because I was too excited by the colors offered by the station.
Having seen your work since you joined these contests, I know what your capabilities are (great!) which is why I figured you are definitely capable of coming up with a much stronger version of the train image than you currently have
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Well, I ran out of time.