WTB: mac keyboard
Anyone upgraded their iMac keyboard to bluetooth and have the USB one collecting dust on a shelf? I'll take it off your hands!
Or you had the old version of the bluetooth, and upgraded to the shiny aluminum one? I'll take that as well!
(*and yes, I know any keyboard will work, but given the choice, I'll keep my function buttons how I'm used to them )
Or you had the old version of the bluetooth, and upgraded to the shiny aluminum one? I'll take that as well!
(*and yes, I know any keyboard will work, but given the choice, I'll keep my function buttons how I'm used to them )
Since 2004...
I have an extra bluetooth keyboard.
I'm not sure of the exact model. In my "Settings" window it says "Apple wireless keyboard".
On the back of the unit it says "Wireless Keyboard".
It has been in a drawer unused for a while, but I just turned it on and the computer recognized it right away. I'm typing this with it and it seermds tuu wuirrkk prettyyy guudd.
If it is the the type you'd be interested in let me know. I don't know how much one of these would go for as all the current listings are the thin aluminum brushed ones. Let me know what you think is fair and we'll go from there.
I attached a quick snapshot so you could see the keyboard layout.