DSS 33 - A Duck!

So I went to the park to play around a bit with the settings on my camera. Do any of these work? Give it to me straight. Too ordinary?
The title of the thread is a line from Monty Python's Grail. It makes me chuckle. But then I am easily amused.





The title of the thread is a line from Monty Python's Grail. It makes me chuckle. But then I am easily amused.







I would say that #4 and #6 are the strongest contenders imo. I think the water ripples help imply the movement very well... so you might be one of the few without a blurred movement shot like that the rest of us have
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I liked the effect in #1 - almost like a painting - but it makes the image more abstract.
I am not sure that any of these are really strong enough images for the challenge. I have some other ideas and will probably be burning the midnight oil again this weekend.