Great texture!! I'm getting a bit dizzy looking at it, though. Nicely captured.
Thank you Andrew
It does make one kinda dizzy looking at it. My first attempt at an HDR. Kinda looks like one, but then doesn't. Had to remove a pole going down the side which I think might of work out ok. My first time using the patch tool. So much to learn
Funky. Really...... lets be honest here. "It's kind of funky".
Reality check in progress. Too funny.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 16, 2009
Hi Mary Kim,
Nice shot. I'm convinced, though, that you're sneaking a holographic image in on us and that if I stare at this thing long enough, with my eyes out of focus, another image will jump out of the middle of it .
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Nice shot. I'm convinced, though, that you're sneaking a holographic imagine in on us and that if I stare at this thing long enough, with my eyes out of focus, another image will jump out of the middle of it .
Nice shot. I'm convinced, though, that you're sneaking a holographic image in on us and that if I stare at this thing long enough, with my eyes out of focus, another image will jump out of the middle of it .
Take care,
If only I knew how to sneak something I'd try it
Staring probably isn't the best thing to do with this photo. Even while editing it I had to look away a few times
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thank you Andrew
It does make one kinda dizzy looking at it. My first attempt at an HDR. Kinda looks like one, but then doesn't. Had to remove a pole going down the side which I think might of work out ok. My first time using the patch tool. So much to learn
I like it very much. Nice call on the title.
Thank you
It's kind of funky, but funky sometimes is fun to do.
I was hoping someone would pick up on the title
Reality check in progress. Too funny.
Nice shot. I'm convinced, though, that you're sneaking a holographic image in on us and that if I stare at this thing long enough, with my eyes out of focus, another image will jump out of the middle of it
Take care,
Funky and I go hand-in-hand sometimes
If only I knew how to sneak something I'd try it
Staring probably isn't the best thing to do with this photo. Even while editing it I had to look away a few times
Thanks for taking a look at it.
Thank you for looking and commenting.
I'd like to have given a better comment, but I just got new glasses & even a solid white wall is making me dizzy
Looking at this photo even on a good day with glasses might be a problem. Hope you get use to your new spec's soon
Thank-you Azzaro for looking and commenting