SEO on SmugMug

Hey all, I just ran across this site and thought that some of you might be interested.
It's a basic run down about how to get your SmugMug site higher in the rankings on the search engines. And let's face it, we all want to be higher up in the search engines don't we? :thumb
It's a basic run down about how to get your SmugMug site higher in the rankings on the search engines. And let's face it, we all want to be higher up in the search engines don't we? :thumb
What's your thoughts? If your ordering, will you paste a review after you've had a look?
Specifically item 4: It appears that SmugMug comments are completely hidden from searches, Google & otherwise. I've tried and tried to find comments on my own and other's SmugMug sites by searching specific text and I keep coming up empty. I've WISHED it was possible to search on user comments but so far I've never been able to locate any, not even through SmugMug's internal search. Given that I've never been able to pull up a SmugMug gallery by searching on specific text in a comment, I can't see how the comments can possibly help increase search ranking. Of course I'm always open to being educated, so if someone has proof that comments on SmugMug are being indexed and contribute to search ranking then I'd love to see an example. Though I'm not willing to pay 40 bucks for the opportunity.
Homepage - James Hill Photography
Hi James,
You have an excellent assumption. I too have been unable to find specific comment strings within search results.
SmugMug support tells me that comments are seeable and crawlable by Googlebot. They are trying to find out why they don't index well. Will let you know what I find!
So the question is - can something Google sees, but does not retun in results, still carry SEO value?
But the comments issue is about one paragraph among 25 pages in the book, so I hope the rest can be beneficial to beginning SEO-ers in explaining how search engines work and using key phrases and links to your advantage.
Rank your blog with Photoblog SEO Zen
My frustration with SmugMug SEO is the lack of ability of the pro photographer to create a "unique" place on the internet. The SmugMug site embeds so much metadata, keywords, and basically "grabs" any possibility of becoming a top result for a search. Yes, I can keyword my images and enter descriptions on galleries, but that does me no good on my home page using just a bio entry to gain any ground as a "local" photographer.
Yes, a large part of good SEO is also inbound links, a blog (make this easier, SM!), and a contact page. SM doesn't make this easy.
So I am now spending money on a separate site as my space and use SM as just my holding place for large numbers of images.
Want to see what your site looks like in an example SEO grader? check out
(I have nothing to do with that link, I just have used it as one metric for my SEO)
Central Ohio Portrait and Wedding Photography
Congrats to James H, I consulted with seomoz (trusted source) saying they did a study recently and it appears search engines ignore text in comments. I will be updating my original post! Free copy of my book to you if you want to send me a note or ping me through my SEO ebook website. Nice work!
Rank your blog with Photoblog SEO Zen
Meta Keywords: online photo albums,photo sharing,photo hosting,photo storage,video,videos,online video,video sharing,albums,photo albums,photo,sharing,picture sharing
,share photos,photo galleries,photo gallery,photos,photographs,online gallery
,picture gallery,picture galleries,online galleries,smugmug gallery,smugmug
,smug mug,smugmug photos,images,image galleries,image gallery,gallery hosting
,galleries hosting,hosting
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So why are they there?
Google says:
>>Even though we sometimes use the description meta tag for the snippets we show, we still don't use the description meta tag in our ranking.<<
When you google Lynne Glazer Imagery it returns:
SmugMug Photo & Video Sharing. You look better here.
The ultimate in photo & video sharing. Easily create online photo albums. Share, store, organize and print.
Andy, that's what I am really trying to say, that I don't want a few galleries and this paragraph to show. I would rather see a snippet from my bio! I can't be alone in this?
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
You're not alone. I've asked SM to remove their description for two years. Actually, Google was smart enough to figure the description doesn't fit my site and it uses the one I wrote for DMOZ. But it's still a problem for galleries.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I've used smugmug seo guy as a consultant for a few pro sites and so far the results have been very impressive. John Harrison, whose amazing yosemite firefalls print hangs on our walls, approached me at last night's Silicon Valley SMUG amazed that he got on Google's page one for these searches:
yosemite nature photography
yosemite landscape photography
Here's what's happened to our overall traffic since NiceNames were launched in mid-August (the kick in this graph):
Can we have an answer to this?
Another thing, I get a lot of traffic directed to single image views, even though I don't use it anywhere. I like the traffic but it looks like a mess when the page should be the old journal style instead of single-image. Is there a way to redirect to the correct style?
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Also, get your keywords into your captions. Making your captions as descriptive as possible, as well as your file names for your photos seems to help quite a bit.
The Green Man Design Studio
directory services. But again, if you put your own description in the gallery description, then that will be what Google displays.
Erick, yes, this means that for now, until and if we ever change it, you have to put something in your album descriptions if you want this to change on the search engines. I know you don't want to do this, but I'm simply saying this is what you should do if you want not-our-stuff to show up in the results.
FWIW, we have been advocating gallery descriptions for a long time, and this is one reason why.
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Up till now, google would get META Description info from words in your bio box. This led to problems with folks having a slideshow and other code in their bio...
So, we made a control panel entry - Homepage Meta Description - 255 characters for you to describe your site, your business, whatever.
It's what will show up here:
You'll find this in your control panel, settings tab.
When you enter something in this new box, it'll trump whatever's in your bioBox (text, divs, code, anything). Enjoy!
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
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But you know me, I do have one suggestion. Can you change the entry box for this to a multi-line box? I find it rather difficult to maintain an entry in a single line box that doesn't display the maximum number of characters.
Yes, I did revert to a text editor and copy/paste, but that really shouldn't be necessary in today's UIs.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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So the next step is something similar for categories and galleries, right?
Erick, we know you don't wish to fill out the gallery description - I'm sorry but for now that's the way to do it.
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I know how it works for now. If I insist so much, it's because I firmly believe removing the SM description would do good to both Smugmug and its customers. Like the bio trick, not everyone knows about the gallery description. Some like me don't want a description on the page. And some gallery types don't even have an option for a description. I don't expect SM to change that overnight but you'll probably hear about it in few months, when I flip out again.
Take a look at this one:
I didn't want people to think they can put in a ton of text with line breaks, etc. But it's no biggie, I can just strip them out anyways!
I'll make the change.
I'm doing the same thing internally.
EDIT: Brian says he's gonna try!
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Yes, and completely ignore Google's advice to write unique meta descriptions that accurately describes the content of the page.
Personally I think that all these Smugmug generated meta descriptions and keywords is a bug in Smugmug.
Actually it should not be nessesary for anyone to put a feature request for any official SEO advice from Google.
I give up now - I have realized that Smugmug will not be SEO-friendly in the near future.
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