A Few Hummers
The hummingbirds were out in full force yesterday, buzzing a long row of Jewelweed. There must've been at least 15-20 of them zipping all over the place. The Jewelweed nectar has a very high concentration (40%) of sugar so all these ruby-throats had white bills from the sugar crystals. It's like Hummingbird Cocaine to them.
Canon 5D2, 400 f/5.6L
Canon 5D2, 400 f/5.6L
My Photo Blog -->http://dthorpphoto.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sharing these
18 - 55 kit lens
55- 200 VR kit lens
Lots of desires
The first is a full-size crop showing the sugar crystals coming out of the jewelweed bloom.
How far away was you from them & what lens did you use?
Aperture Focus Photography
I cut my eyes on some of these! Very nice shots - this kind of crap keeps egging me on to move up from my Oly E-3 to the 5d2, just need the financing for that and that lovely 400mm lens! # 1 & 3 are my faves!