#33 I have bad ideas
My son, when he was a toddler, used to say "I have a bad idea" whenever he actually did have a bad idea.
I've inherited that ability through some kind of weird, reverse-genetics.:dunno
At any rate, I have an image already in the gallery called "running fast", but thought that a little refinement couldn't hurt. These are all SOOC, using the multiple-exposures tool in the K20D. And no, I can't get the spots off the watch. I've tried. :cry (And my goto place for cheap photographic props only carries digital watches. Damn you, Dollar Tree! :soapbox
Here's the first variation, made by accident. (And naturally my favorite:)


3. EXTREME CLOSEUP! (Cue Wayne and Garth!)

So, any of these bad ideas any good? Reshoots possible, he typed, as his wife glared at him testily.
I've inherited that ability through some kind of weird, reverse-genetics.:dunno
At any rate, I have an image already in the gallery called "running fast", but thought that a little refinement couldn't hurt. These are all SOOC, using the multiple-exposures tool in the K20D. And no, I can't get the spots off the watch. I've tried. :cry (And my goto place for cheap photographic props only carries digital watches. Damn you, Dollar Tree! :soapbox
Here's the first variation, made by accident. (And naturally my favorite:)


3. EXTREME CLOSEUP! (Cue Wayne and Garth!)

So, any of these bad ideas any good? Reshoots possible, he typed, as his wife glared at him testily.
Didn't think it was "bad" enough -- only three exposures merged, instead of 8, you know!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I think I still prefer your current entry
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I think it is safer to say that my "career" is primarily made up of accidents ...